
As ‘extremist’ as Finchley? The ‘Counter Extremism Strategy’ and the Irish context

Daniel Holder from the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) reflects on the recently introduced Counter Extremism Strategy and the scenario which we would see if the strategy was applied in Northern Ireland. Margaret Thatcher famously claimed Northern Ireland was as British as her own constituency, Finchley. Apparently however we are officially no longer

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Europe must act now on refugee deaths

As borders become militarised zones, and internal policing of refugees and migrants intensifies, the IRR continues to monitor asylum- and migration- related deaths. Across Europe the humanitarian crisis continues as refugees continue to flee war-torn countries such as Syria. Front-line volunteers, who have witnessed the suffering first-hand over the summer and autumn, have now sent an

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A secret punishment

A new report by Medical Justice, ‘A Secret Punishment’, highlights the human damage caused by the use of segregation in immigration detention, as well as its political purposes.  Arriving at Heathrow Airport in 2011 on a family reunion visa, 24-year-old ‘MD’ expected to be reunited with her husband – a refugee whom she had not

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Launching the Socialist Register 2016

The launch of the Socialist Register 2016, as part of the 12th annual Historical Materialism conference. Saturday 7 November 2015, 11.15am Room L67, School of African and Oriental Studies, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG Speakers:  Chaired by Greg Albo Liz Fekete Richard Seymour Richard Saull Avishai Ehrlich Related links Download a full programme for the conference here

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No more detention – Close Campsfield

A demonstration to mark 22 years of Campsfield removal centre.  Saturday 28 November 2015, from 12noon Campsfield (main gates), Langford Lane, Kidlington OX5 1RE From 2-5pm refreshments and Barbed Wire Britain gathering at Exeter Hall, Oxford Road Kidlington OX5 1AB Related links Campign to Close Campsfield Download a flyer  

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Women Fighting Back: International and Legal Perspectives

An international women’s conference bringing a critical, left-wing and intersectional perspective to the women’s movement. Saturday 28 November – Sunday 29 November 2015 Southbank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA Speakers include: Angela Davis (USA) – University of California Presidential Chair in African American and Feminist Studies, and founding member of the prison abolitionist group Critical Resistance

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Surround Yarl’s Wood

A demonstration outside Yarl’s Wood, demanding the end of immigration detention. Saturday 7 November 2015, 1.30pm Yarl’s Wood, Twinwoods Business Park, Thurleigh Road, Milton Ernest, Bedfordshire MK44 1FD Related links Movement for Justice See details for the demo here  

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Abolition or reform?

A meeting to discuss the relationship between reform, decarceration and criminal justice reductionism. Thursday 19 November 2015, 6.30-9pm central London venue (TBC) Panelists:  Stephen Akpabio-Klementowski – PhD Student, the Open University Dr Bree Carlton – Monash University, Australia Deborah Coles – INQUEST Dr Erica R Meiners – Northeastern University Illinois, USA Neena Samota – StopWatch A speaker from the Empty Cages Collective

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Calendar of racism and resistance (9 – 22 October 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 7 October: Leaked EU plans reveal proposals to deport thousands of failed asylum seekers by threatening countries refusing to take back their migrants with withdrawals of aid, trade deals and visa arrangements. The documents show

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Press Release

Prevent duty ‘heavy-handed and discriminatory’

In the week that the government announced new counter-extremism measures, the IRR publishes contributions from its seminar on ‘Securitisation, Schools and Preventing Extremism’, held at Garden Court Chambers on 7 October, where participants considered the consequences of a new statutory duty on public bodies to prevent non-violent extremism and whether it breached the Equality Act. Background

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