Press Release

Racial violence – the buried issue

Research from the Institute of Race Relations reveals that, on average, five people per year are being killed in racial attacks in the UK since the death of Stephen Lawrence. The Institute of Race Relations, the only research body in the UK to monitor racial violence, has found that a total of eighty-nine people have

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Migrant Voice election special

The second edition of a new newspaper, highlighting the voices of migrants, is an election special. The latest edition of Migrant Voice is a 2010 election special. It includes pieces on migrant workers and the need for greater employment protection, the detrimental impacts of the new points based system for international students, the impact on

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Ombudsman slates performance of Border Agency

The Parliamentary Ombudsman has found massive, agonising delays, a doubling of complaints and a catalogue of errors in case management at the UK Border Agency. In February 2010, the Parliamentary Ombudsman, Ann Abraham, published her fourth report on the UK Border Agency (UKBA), Fast and fair? . The Ombudsman’s remit is to investigate ‘injustice caused

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European week of action against deportation

The Stop Deportation Network has proposed a European-wide week of action against deportation. The Stop Deportation Network, along with other groups in Europe, is proposing a week of action against deportation across Europe, with a focus on joint European mass deportation flights and the EU external border agency (Frontex). The proposed date for the action

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Anti-racist rally in memory of dead Dublin teenager

Over 1,500 Dubliners took part in an anti-racist rally at the weekend in memory of Toyosi Shittabey, the 15-year-old schoolboy stabbed to death in Dublin on Good Friday. The rally, on Saturday 10 April, came a week after Toyosi was stabbed to death in what is being described as a racially motivated attack. Toyosi was

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Only an inquiry will bring trust in Prevent

The government must now launch an independent inquiry into the human rights issues which the Preventing Violent Extremism policy raises. The Institute of Race Relations’ report into the government’s Preventing Violent Extremism programme, published last October, argued that the programme, known simply as Prevent, had undermined community cohesion, alienated those it was meant to be

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Select committee vindicates IRR report on Preventing Violent Extremism

A cross-party group of MPs has concluded that the government’s Preventing Violent Extremism programme, known as Prevent, undermines community cohesion and stigmatises Muslims. In a report published today by the Communities and Local Government parliamentary select committee, Prevent is described as ‘unlikely ever to be fully accepted in its existing form by those it is

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Fighting anti-Muslim racism: an interview with A. Sivanandan

IRR News spoke to one of the foremost analysts of racism and Black struggle as to how to meet the contemporary challenge of anti-Muslim racism. Should we look at Islamophobia and anti-Muslim racism today as something new and apart, or as a continuation of the racism we have known in the UK? A. Sivanandan: Every

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Segregation policy for foreign national prisoners condemned

The policy of concentrating foreign national prisoners in a small number of prisons, away from home prisoners and from their families, implemented in the early summer of 2009 (read an IRR News story: ‘Segregating foreign national prisoners’), was conducted without regard to its impact on race equality or the provision of legal advice to those

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Notes on the new Conservative Traveller policy

Four leading campaigners on Gypsies and Travellers respond to the recently published Tory policy on Traveller accommodation. On 12 February 2010 the Conservatives launched their new policies on Gypsy and Traveller accommodation: ‘Conservatives pledge to tackle trespass’. It seeks to: 1. Create a new criminal offence of intentional trespass, as already in place in the

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