Training for asylum and immigration campaigners

A chance to find out what is effective, share experiences and improve local responses. Saturday 10 December 2011, 1-5pm Community Hall, St. Nicholas of Tolentino Church, Bristol BS5 0RE Training from: Detention Action Corporate Watch The Unity Centre National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns Related links Bristol Refugee Rights Bristol No Borders

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From portrayal to reality: examining the record of the EDL

How can we marry the English Defence League’s professed liberalism with the reality on the ground? There is something of a disjuncture between how the EDL portrays itself as an organisation and how it actually operates. Though it states on its website that ‘[t]he English Defence League (EDL) is a human rights organisation’ that opposes

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Social exclusion in BME and migrant communities

A conference on ‘Social exclusion in BME and migrant communities: How is the UK meeting its European obligations?’ Thursday 1 December 2011, 9.30-2pm Europe House, 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3EU Speakers includes: Juliana Santos Wahlgren – European Network Against Racism Elizabeth Henry – Race on the Agenda Patrick Vernon – Afiya Trust Fizza Qureshi

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Lethal detention and deportation conditions

A meeting on deaths and near-deaths in immigration detention and during deportation. Monday 28 November 2011, 6.30-8.30pm Portcullis House, London SW1A 2LW Speakers: Jeremy Corbyn MP – Chair Mr WS – ex-detainee Dr Ben Robinson – Medical Justice Mark Scott – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Adrienne Makenda Kambana – widow of Jimmy Mubenga Deborah Coles –

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Student Action for Refugees national conference

STAR’s annual national student conference on campaigning for asylum seekers and refugees. Saturday-Sunday 19-20 November 2011 Freedom from Torture, 111 Isledon Road, Islington, London N7 7JW The conference includes: Speakers Workshops A ‘Question Time’ panel Poster displays An exhibition of photographs from refugee women Related links Student Action for Refugees

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Seminar on unlawful detention

A seminar for psychiatrists and psychologists on preparing medico-legal reports in unlawful detention cases. Wednesday 16 November 2011, 6pm Central London, venue to be confirmed Seminar led by: Jed Pennington – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Hamish Arnott – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Related links Medical Justice Bhatt Murphy Solicitors

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Taking Facebook at face value?

There are troubling aspects in Demos’ recent report on English Defence League (EDL) members’ attitudes. According to the press release for the report Inside the EDL by Jamie Bartlett and Mark Littler: ‘Supporters are characterised by intense pessimism about the UK’s future, worries about immigration and joblessness. This is often mixed with a proactive pride

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Defend education, fight privatisation

A demonstration against the scrapping of EMA, the raising of tuition fees and the privatisation of education. Wednesday 9 November 2011, 12pm University of London Union, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY Related links National Campaign Against Fees and Cuts

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