Lethal detention and deportation conditions

Lethal detention and deportation conditions

A meeting on deaths and near-deaths in immigration detention and during deportation.

  • Monday 28 November 2011, 6.30-8.30pm
  • Portcullis House, London SW1A 2LW


  • Jeremy Corbyn MP – Chair
  • Mr WS – ex-detainee
  • Dr Ben Robinson – Medical Justice
  • Mark Scott – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors
  • Adrienne Makenda Kambana – widow of Jimmy Mubenga
  • Deborah Coles – INQUEST
  • Harmit Athwal – Institute of Race Relations

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Medical Justice

Organised by Medical Justice. Booking is essential, to book email: emma.ginn@medicaljustice.org.uk.

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