
G4S, Jomast Stockton hostel and the mother-and-baby-market

John Grayson, researching the G4S asylum housing contracts and their impact on the North East, uncovers the latest G4S twist on asylum housing markets – a hostel for asylum seeker mothers and babies in Stockton on Tees. The hostel is contracted to G4S by Jomast Developments, a family property development company empire headed by Stuart

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One law for non-Muslims

Victoria Brittain on the home secretary’s double standards in the Gary McKinnon case. Only former Labour home secretary Alan Johnson chose to stand aside publicly from the wave of support for the highly popular and welcome decision by Theresa May last week to stop the extradition of Gary McKinnon to the US. It was the

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Glasgow: solidarity with asylum seekers facing eviction

Campaigners in Glasgow monitored court proceedings on 17 October, in solidarity with asylum seekers who could be evicted from their homes and forced into destitution. Just as groups are launching a campaign against G4S’ treatment of asylum seekers in the north of England, groups in Glasgow are taking up the cause of asylum seekers facing

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European collusion in human rights abuse

How is it that Muslim citizens accused of support for terrorism are not charged but extradited, while far-right supporters of terrorism roam free? On 24 September, as part of a forty-strong delegation of observers, I was in Morocco at the appeal hearing in the Rabat-Salé court of the Belgian-Moroccan dual national, Ali Aarrass. Aarrass’ conviction and fifteen-year

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Caged in the USA

A meeting to ask what will happen to the individuals recently extradited to the US. Thursday 18 October 2012, 7-9pm Karibu Education Centre, Gresham Road London SW9 7PH Speakers: Robert King – Black Panther imprisoned for 29 years for a crime he did not commit Omar Deghayes – imprisoned in Guantanamo Bay for more than

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‘A future that works’ demo

A national march and rally to highlight support for alternatives to the government’s austerity measures. Saturday 20 October 2012, assemble 11am-1.30pm Assemble at Victoria Embankment, London WC2R 2PN to march to Hyde Park, London W2 2UH Speakers: Speakers TBC RELATED LINKS A Future that Works False Economy Make the March TUC

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Two years on and no justice for Jimmy Mubenga

Next week, anti-G4S campaigners will mark the two years since the death of Jimmy Mubenga during a forced deportation on 12 October 2010. Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan father of five, died on a British Airways plane at Heathrow after he was restrained by three guards from G4S, which was contracted to carry out ‘escorting’ (deportations)

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Day of action for Jimmy Mubenga

Anti-G4S campaigners are holding a day of action to mark the two-year anniversary of the death of Jimmy Mubenga. Friday 12 October 2012 Crown Prosecution Service, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS, 11-1pm. G4S UK & Ireland head office, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT, 2-4pm. Related links Download a flyer for the

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‘Ghosts’ screening

A screening of Nick Broomfield’s documentary, Ghosts, followed by talks and discussion, as part of Liverpool Radical Film Festival. Friday 12 October 2012, 4pm Hearnshaw Lecture Theatre, Eleanor Rathbone Building, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA Speakers: Jon Burnett – Institute of Race Relations Margaret McAdam – Merseyside Refugee Support Network and No One is

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Press Release

Radicalism and radicalisation

In the latest issue of Race & Class, Arun Kundnani analyses the concept of Muslim radicalisation now central in the counter-terrorism industry while Ashley Lavelle charts Eldridge Cleaver’s journey from radical ‘Soul on Ice’ to renegade ‘Soul for Hire’. The October 2012 issue of Race & Class explores radicalism and radicalisation. Kundnani’s ‘Radicalisation: the journey

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