Medical Justice awards ceremony

An overview of Medical Justice’s work over the last year, as well as a film screening, award ceremony and dinner. Thursday 12 December 2013, 6pm Andover Estate Community Centre, Andover Estate, Finsbury Park, London N7 7RY Includes: ‘I am not a criminal’ – film screening Awards ceremonies Food RELATED LINKS Medical Justice

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Justice and Habib Ignaoua

The case of Habib Ignaoua shows the government’s unconcern about the collateral damage to families and the rule of law caused by its determination to keep ‘undesirables’ out. 53-year-old Ignaoua fled Tunisia in 1994. He came to Britain in 2004 and sought asylum, claiming detention and torture by the Tunisian authorities, whose military courts had

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Demonstration against the Immigration Bill

A demonstration against the effects of the latest Immigration Bill. Wednesday 18 December 2013, 12pm Meet at the bottom of the Sheffield Moor Market, then march to UKBA HQ, Vulcan House, 6 Millsands, Sheffield S3 8NU Related links SYMAAG

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Unsafe Return II

A talk on the findings of a report about people removed from the UK to the Democratic Republic of Congo. Thursday 5 December 2013, 6pm CL 1.08, Clarendon Building, University of Teesside, Middlesbrough, Tees Valley TS1 3BA Speaker: Catherine Ramos – Justice First RELATED LINKS Justice First North East Coalition for Asylum and Refugee Rights

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Atlas of Migration in Europe launch

The launch of the Atlas of Migration in Europe report. Monday 2 December 2013, 6pm Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ Speakers: Liz Fekete – Institute of Race Relations Jerome Phelps – Detention Action A former detainee – Freed Voices Chris Jones – Statewatch Olivier Clochard – Migreurop Katherine Booth –

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FOI seminar

A ‘masterclass’ on the use of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests as a research method. Wednesday 4 December 2013, 1pm Seminar Room 10, Rendall Building, Bedford Street South, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA Speakers: Harmit Athwal – Institute of Race Relations Graham Smith – Information Commissioner’s Office David Whyte – University of Liverpool Stuart

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Press Release

Entering the anti-extremism debate

Today, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) enters the debate on how best to combat extremism by publishing two thought provoking pieces on IRR News. Anti-racism and anti-fascism should be core values of a liberal and democratic society. But what if the contrary happens? What if anti-racism and anti-fascism are treated in policy and law

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Anti-extremism or anti-fascism?

Anti-extremism frameworks, popular in policy and academic circles, are masking the multi-dimensional and pan-European nature of contemporary fascism and the role of the state. Not since the early 1990s, and the pogroms at Hoyerswerda and Rostock have Europe’s far-right movements posed such a tangible threat to the safety of racial and religious minorities. In truth,

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Systematic Greek border abuses exposed

‘Pushed back’, the new report by migrant and refugee rights group ProAsyl, exposes the systematic abuses and human rights violations of the Greek border control regime. Greece’s abject failure to comply with international and European legal standards regarding the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees is a well-known and well-documented issue in the EU. However,

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May plans to make British citizens stateless

Is Theresa May’s threat to make British citizens stateless just an expression of frustration at the recent Supreme Court decision, or does she really intend to do it? Press reports that Theresa May plans to change citizenship law to allow her to remove British nationality from anyone who, in her view, does not deserve it,

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