
2017: the deadliest year in immigration detention 

This year six men have died in immigration detention centres — the deadliest year since the IRR began recording deaths in immigration detention. The most recent death occurred, on 19 November, when 27-year-old Arim Bakar, an Iraqi man was found dead at the Prison Service-run Morton Hall, where two others have died this year. Detainees at

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The Lions of Grunwick

‘We are the Lions Mr Manager’ is a small but perfectly formed play which tells the story of the Grunwick strike. A two-hander, it tells a digested version of the Grunwick saga, a major moment in labour history which seems to have faded in the collective memory.  The work of the Grunwick 40 campaign over

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Calendar of racism and resistance (3 -16 November 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 27 October: Agnes Callamard, the UN Special Rapporteur on Extrajudicial, Summary, and Arbitrary Executions, presents a new report to the UN General Assembly on ‘Unlawful Death of Refugees and Migrants’, download it here. (Der Spiegel, 28

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‘I killed three … maybe four rats in my kitchen this summer’

© J. Grayson

Asylum campaigner John Grayson examines the appalling conditions in privately contracted housing for asylum seekers in south yorkshire.  Ann was showing me round her G4S terraced house, on the inner ring road in Doncaster, on a Sunday afternoon in late October. A few days earlier, Ann had been to the local advice ‘drop-in centre’ for

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Calendar of racism and resistance (20 October – 2 November 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 20 October: A pregnant asylum seeker living in ‘dangerous housing’ provided by G4S in Doncaster pleads to be moved. (Open Democracy, 20 October 2017) 20 October: The Home Office publishes: Grenfell Tower immigration cases (guidance

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We Are The Lions, Mr. Manager!

‘We Are The Lions, Mr. Manager!’ is the story of Jayaben Desai the inspirational leader of the 1976-78 Grunwick Strike. November 2017 and May 2018 At venues across the UK Related links View location listings here Read an IRR review here

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Calendar of racism and resistance (6 – 19 October 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 5 October: The Chief Inspector of Borders and Immigration (ICIBI) calls for evidence on how the Home Office ensures it acts in the ‘best interests’ of unaccompanied asylum seeking children. (ICIBI press release, 5 October 2017)

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UFFC Annual Remembrance Procession 2017

The annual remembrance procession for those that have died in immigration detention and in police, prison or psychiatric custody, organised by the United Families and Friends Campaign. Saturday 28 October 2017, assemble at 12pm Trafalgar Square, central London Related links United Families and Friends Campaign United Families and Friends Campaign on Facebook United Families and Friends Campaign

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Kate Hopkins is not a suitable speaker for schools

The Association of School and College Leaders (ASCL) recommendation that Katie Hopkins be allowed to speak in schools, as long as alternative views are presented, is dangerous and potentially misleading, says Bill Bolloten. Last month the journalist Katie Hopkins announced a series of school talks for 14 to 16-year-olds, which she has branded the ‘Stand Strong

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