
Equalities and accountability – the pupil premium

This article has been republished from LeftCentral. The pupil premium grant (PPG) is a flagship government scheme for schools. Next week it will be praised and celebrated at the 2013 pupil premium awards ceremony organised in partnership with the Department for Education (DfE). An independent panel of experts has judged which schools have best used

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Memorial for Gerry German

A memorial for childrens’ rights campaigner Gerry German, founder of the Communities Empowerment Network. Saturday 6 July 2013, 3pm Christ Church, Wandsworth Road, Clapham, London SW8 2QJ Related links Communities Empowerment Network

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The resistance of others

A performance followed by a screening of the film ‘Injustice’. Saturday 8 June 2013, 2pm Pakistan Welfare Association, Darvills Lane, Chalvey, Slough  SL1 2PH Performance and live Q&A session: AKALA – performing artist Ken Fero – film maker RELATED LINKS View a flyer The Leaf Network Pakistan Welfare Association

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Fighting school exclusions

Marc Lorenzi explains the work of the Communities Empowerment Network, which helps excluded pupils. Education is in the spotlight. It’s future, in the hands of Education Secretary Gove, is under review. Though the press has widely reported Gove’s assault on the national curriculum, less space has been given to the effects of austerity measures in

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NCIA inquiry into voluntary services

The launch of the National Coalition for Independent Action’s inquiry into voluntary services, asking whether they can survive and in what form. Friday 10 May 2013, 11-3pm Institute for Family Therapy, 24-32 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2HX The NCIA is especially interested in attracting people who are running services and are facing dilemmas about contracting

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Press Release

Racial violence since the death of Stephen Lawrence

As the twentieth anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence approaches, the IRR examines racial violence since his death in 1993. In the twenty years since the death of Stephen Lawrence, we can report that 106 people have lost their lives in (known or suspected) racist attacks – five per year on average, that black

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Defend school history campaign seminar

A seminar for the Defend School History campaign. Saturday 20 April 2013, 2-4pm Canterbury Hall, 12-18 Cartwright Gardens, London WC1H 9EE Speakers include: Tristram Hunt – Labour MP Ben Walsh – consultant in teacher education Lousie Raw – historian Phil Vasili – historian Katherine Edwards – teacher Richard Huie – teacher Kevin Courtney – NUT

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John Archer and Black politics

A presentation on the political activities of John Archer, London’s first African mayor. Tuesday 16 April 2013, 6.30pm Battersea Library, 265 Lavender Hill, London SW11 1JB

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Fighting Europe’s racisms

A collection of essays on varieties of European racism contains valuable insights and useful lessons. A minister cuts a cake. The cake is in the shape of a black woman, and the cut exposes her pink genitals, as a performance artist screams. The event, an ill-conceived critique of female genital mutilation, backfires, as the white,

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