British schools and the black child

The annual ‘British schools and the black child’ conference. Saturday 8 March 2014, 9-4pm University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, West Midlands B15 2TT Related links NASUWT London Schools and the Black Child

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Funeral and memorial for Buzz Johnson

Funeral and memorial for Buzz Johnson. Saturday 1 March 2014, 1pm All Saint’s Church, Haggerston Road, Hackney, London E8 4EP Followed by a reception/gathering in his honour at 3.30pm at the West Indian Cultural  Centre, 9 Clarendon Road, Hornsey London N8 0DJ RELATED LINKS Read an IRR News obituary: Buzz Johnson: 1951 – 2014

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Freedom of Information masterclass

A day school on freedom of information and transformative research. Wednesday 5 March 2014, 6.45pm Chandler Room, Foresight Centre, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 3GL Speakers include: Harmit Athwal – Institute of Race Relations Shiar Youseff – Corporate Watch Stuart Wilks-Heeg – University of Liverpool David Whyte – University of Liverpool Graham Smith – Information Commissioner’s Office

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Buzz Johnson: 1951 – 2014

Buzz Johnson, people’s educator and the founder of Karia Press, died this week. Two giants of the Caribbean diaspora died this week – Stuart Hall, academic and cultural theorist; Buzz Johnson, publisher and people’s educator. They represented two ends of a black left spectrum of politics – the one an acclaimed theoretician and eminent wordsmith who

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Stuart Hall: 1932 – 2014

Playwright David Edgar discusses the importance of Stuart Hall. When, in the days since his death on Monday, Stuart Hall was described as the ‘pioneer’ or – less fortunately – the ‘godfather’ of multiculturalism, it seemed like a convenient journalistic label for a man whose huge importance was hard to explain to the general public.

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Hillsborough: the truth

A video of Professor Phil Scraton’s lecture on the Hillsborough struggle for justice, delivered last year at the London School of Economics, is now available. On 27 November 2013, the IRR and the Mannheim Centre for the Study of Criminology and Criminal Justice (LSE) hosted a meeting to discuss family campaigns against the state to

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Stand up to racism and fascism: day of action

We reproduce here a statement initiated by Unite Against Fascism, as well as information about a pan-European day of action coinciding with UN Anti-Racism Day. Already in most European countries parties of the Right, centre and even the traditional Left are allowing the terrain of these elections to be dominated by racism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism and

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SHAKE! Arts, media, race, power

A free five-day course for 16-25 year olds to creatively express feelings and frustrations about the injustices of society. Monday-Friday, 17-21 February 2014 Stephen Lawrence Centre, 39 Brookmill Road, Deptford, London SE8 4HU Activities include: Interactive workshops with artists and educators Online media, film/video and music technology Access to a/v equipment and workshop spaces Opportunities to

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Sheffield’s Roma, David Blunkett and an immoral racist panic[1]

We publish below reflections on the political and media furore surrounding Sheffield’s Roma by long-time South Yorkshire activist. ‘The best recipe for riots is for somebody to stand up and warn of riots.’ (Professor Yaron Matras on Channel 4 News 27 November 2013) On 11 November David Blunkett gave an interview to Radio Sheffield. In

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