Launching the Socialist Register 2016

The launch of the Socialist Register 2016, as part of the 12th annual Historical Materialism conference. Saturday 7 November 2015, 11.15am Room L67, School of African and Oriental Studies, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG Speakers:  Chaired by Greg Albo Liz Fekete Richard Seymour Richard Saull Avishai Ehrlich Related links Download a full programme for the conference here

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Women Fighting Back: International and Legal Perspectives

An international women’s conference bringing a critical, left-wing and intersectional perspective to the women’s movement. Saturday 28 November – Sunday 29 November 2015 Southbank University, 103 Borough Road, London SE1 0AA Speakers include: Angela Davis (USA) – University of California Presidential Chair in African American and Feminist Studies, and founding member of the prison abolitionist group Critical Resistance

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ADF 20! Exhibition

An exhibition celebrating twenty years of the iconic Asian Dub Foundation by Coco (Visionary Underground). Saturday 7 November 2015 – Wednesday 18 November 2015 The Red Gallery, 1-3 Rivington Street, London EC2A 3DT Related links View event listing The Red Gallery

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Abolition or reform?

A meeting to discuss the relationship between reform, decarceration and criminal justice reductionism. Thursday 19 November 2015, 6.30-9pm central London venue (TBC) Panelists:  Stephen Akpabio-Klementowski – PhD Student, the Open University Dr Bree Carlton – Monash University, Australia Deborah Coles – INQUEST Dr Erica R Meiners – Northeastern University Illinois, USA Neena Samota – StopWatch A speaker from the Empty Cages Collective

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Calendar of racism and resistance (9 – 22 October 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 7 October: Leaked EU plans reveal proposals to deport thousands of failed asylum seekers by threatening countries refusing to take back their migrants with withdrawals of aid, trade deals and visa arrangements. The documents show

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Food Not Borders film night

A free night of films and ‘food raiser’ hosted on the theme of migration and borders. Monday 2 November 2015, 6pm SOAS, Vernon Square Campus, London WC1X 9EW Provisional film list: Working Illegally Campsfield House Borders Accents The Invisibles No Lager Through the Wire Broken English Defining Border Imperialism Related links Facebook event listing Food Not

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UFFC 2015 annual procession

The United Families and Friends Campaign annual remembrance procession for those that have died in state custody. Saturday 31 October 2015 Assemble at 1pm at Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5DN  to march to Downing Street in a memorial procession Related links United Families and Friends Campaign United Families and Friends Campaign on Facebook Facebook event

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Acts of rebellion

An event exploring acts of rebellion in black culture.  Saturday 31 October 2015, 2-9pm October Gallery, 24 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AL Event includes:  Interactive workshop Artists in conversation Film screenings and DJ event Related links October Gallery

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Fruitvale film club

A London Campaign Against Police and State Violence (LCAPSV) film-showing of Fruitvale Station which depicts the death in US police custody of Oscar Grant in the early hours of New Year’s Day 2009. Sunday 25 October 2015, 3-6pm The Field, 385 Queens Road, New Cross, London SE14 5HD Related links London Campaign Against Police and

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