‘Mutiny’ screening

A screening of ‘Mutiny’, a documentary on the British West Indies Regiment who mutinied in World War 1, followed by a Q&A session. Friday 27 November 2015, 7-9pm Bernie Grant Arts Centre, Town Hall Approach Road, London N15 4RX Q&A session:  Andrea Levy Gary Younge Tony T RELATED LINKS Bernie Grant Arts Centre

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Commemoration of Ricky Bishop

A demonstration to remember Ricky Bishop who died after being arrested by police in Brixton in 2001. Sunday 22 November 2015, 12pm Assemble at Windrush Square, Brixton SW2 1JQ to march to Brixton police station Related links Uhuru News

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Solidarity and the 1984-85 Miner’s Strike Exhibition

An exhibition by the TUC Library Collections and London Metropolitan University commemorating the British miner’s strike of 1984. Monday 23 November 2015, 5-7.30 pm London Metropolitan University, Goulston Street, London E1 7TP Speakers Mike Jackson – Vice Chancellor of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners Hywel Francis – Author and retired MP Related links TUC

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How can migrant communities deal with the threat of the Immigration Bill?

A meeting to discuss the threat new legislation presents to communities and what can be done to defend the rights of migrants. Wednesday 25 November 2015, 5-8 pm Union House, 128 Theobald’s Road, London, WC1X 8TN Speakers Rosa Crawford – Trades Union Congress (TUC) Rita Chadha – Refugee & Migrant Forum of Essex and London – RAMFEL

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Martha Osamor: unsung hero of Britain’s black struggle

Veteran campaigner Martha Osamor talks to IRR News about her experiences in political struggles. Martha Osamor, now 75-years-old is one of the many unsung heroes of Britain’s black community, yet she has spent almost all her life fighting to better the position of people in Tottenham and beyond – in the community, through the unions, women’s

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The Race Relations Act 1965 – blessing or curse?

Jenny Bourne, long time anti-racist campaigner and editor of the IRR’s journal Race & Class, writes about the 1965 Race Relations Act and assesses the fifty years since it was passed. How should we be evaluating the impact of the race relations acts, the first of which became law fifty years ago? Fifty years ago,

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Calendar of racism and resistance (23 October – 5 November 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 15 October: The Home Office announces the closure of Dover immigration removal centre, Free Movement, 23 October 2015) 19 October: The Hope Project publishes: Destitute and asylum-seeking women in the West Midlands: Immigration issues and

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As ‘extremist’ as Finchley? The ‘Counter Extremism Strategy’ and the Irish context

Daniel Holder from the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) reflects on the recently introduced Counter Extremism Strategy and the scenario which we would see if the strategy was applied in Northern Ireland. Margaret Thatcher famously claimed Northern Ireland was as British as her own constituency, Finchley. Apparently however we are officially no longer

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Jan Carew: double book launch

A double book launch celebrating the life and works of the late Guyanese political writer Jan Carew. The evening will launch Episodes in My Life (Peepal Tree Press), which tells the story of Carew’s life as writer, activist, and revolutionary, and Return to the Streets of Eternity (Smokestack Books), which collects poems written during a lifetime

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Policing the crisis

Defend the Right to Protest’s annual conference. Sunday 15 November 2015, 11am til late, School of African and Oriental Studies, Russell Square, London WC1H OXG Workshops include: Prevent and the threat to our civil liberties with Moazzam Begg, Gareth Peirce, Malia Bouattia, Patricia McManus and Hilary Aked Undercover policing and the new inquiry with Imran Khan, Janet Alder,

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