‘From Children of Europe to Lesbos’

Second seminar in the Baobab Centre’s lecture series with David Kogan, Executive Director of Magnum Photos giving a personal and pictorial account on the theme of ‘From Children of Europe to Lesbos: What have we learnt in 70 years?’.  Thursday 6 April 2017, 6pm Palace House, 3 Cathedral Street, London SE1 9DE (next to the Golden

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Migrant detention in the European Union: a thriving business

The London launch of a report by Migreurop: ‘Migrant detention in the European Union: a thriving business’. Tuesday 28 March 2017, 6-8pm  Praxis Community Projects, Pott Street, London E2 0EF Speakers from organisations including: Migreurop Corporate Watch Institute of Race Relations South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG)  The evening will conclude with an

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Enough is enough: deaths on the western Balkans route

man with bloody bandaged head

A public push is needed to stop refugee and migrant deaths on the western Balkans route. IRR News continues its investigation into violations and deaths at EU borders, focusing on seven deaths in the Serbian, Hungarian and Bulgarian border zones. All the official reports, photographic evidence, testimonies and case studies are there. Fresh Response Serbia,

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Monitoring human rights violations at the Hungarian border

Sonia Nandzik of the Serbian volunteer group Fresh Response describes how the group has responded to the increasing savagery of Hungarian police at the border.  The work of our independent group of volunteers, Fresh Response, has changed and taken on new significance in the light of the increasing human rights violations at the Serbian-Hungarian border.

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Calendar of racism and resistance (24 February – 9 March 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 24 February: Following a legal challenge by the Refugee Council, the High Court rules that local authorities must support age-disputed asylum seekers as children. (EIN, 27 February 2017) 26 February: Irene Clennell, 52, is deported

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Human Rights Watch Film Festival

Human Rights Watch presents its annual film festival. 6-17 March 2017 Barbican, Silk St, London EC2Y 8DS and Picturehouse Central, Piccadilly, London W1D 7DH Human Rights Watch Film Festival returns to London showing an mix of films and talks highlighting human rights issues and celebrating activist victories. Related links Human Rights Watch Film Festival

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Demonstration in support of Orgreave

A JENGbA march organised in support of the Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign. Monday 13 March 2017, 1pm The Supreme Court, Parliament Square, Little George St, Westminster, London SW1P 3BD Related links Download a flyer here (pdf file, 430kb) JENGbA Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign

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‘Stepney Words III’ and ‘Being Me’ launch

A celebration of young people’s stories in words and images. Tuesday 21 March 2017, 5pm Mezzanine Gallery, Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Road, London E1 6LA Line-up  Shahidul Alam Chris Searle Alan Gilbey (local historian) Students will read poems from Stepney Words III, alongside the poets Caleb Femi, Maria Ferguson, Cecilia Knapp and Talia Randall

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The Art of Protest

A free one-day symposium to explore how art and music has supported and been inspired by struggles for equality – particularly around race – over the past 40 years. Saturday 25 March 2017, 9.30–5.30pm Goldsmiths, University of London, 8 Lewisham Way, London SE14 6NW We will focus specifically on two significant events – the battle

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