Extradited to a future of torture

The International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) is showing a film, The Worst of the Worst, on the impact of solitary detention. Thursday 16 May 2013, 6-9pm Room S-2.08, Strand Campus, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS Speakers include: Tessa Murphy (Amnesty International) James Ridgeway and Jean Casella (solitarywatch.com) Hamja Ahsan (brother of Talha Ahsan) Related links To

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To Walk in Your Shoes

A unique collaboration of verbatim theatre and digital photography which challenges the myths and untruths perpetuated by the media about what it means to seek asylum.  Friday 10 May 2013, 19:00 – 22:00 Severn Arts Leeds, 31a Harrogate Road, Leeds LS7 3PD To Walk in Your Shoes explores the strength and resilience of the human spirit.

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Press Release

Racial violence since the death of Stephen Lawrence

As the twentieth anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence approaches, the IRR examines racial violence since his death in 1993. In the twenty years since the death of Stephen Lawrence, we can report that 106 people have lost their lives in (known or suspected) racist attacks – five per year on average, that black

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Goodhart, bad analysis

A recent tome by Prospect founder David Goodhart on The British Dream is getting unwarranted coverage in the media. Have you stopped to think who the present commentators are about British race matters? BME leaders? No. Academics who have proven research credentials? No again. Or, as in the olden days, ‘home affairs’ specialists on credited

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‘May we bring harmony’? Thatcher’s legacy on ‘race’

Cameron’s nativist policies begin with Thatcher. Thatcher’s attitude to foreigners can be summed up in two phrases: ‘people are really rather afraid that this country might be rather swamped by people with a different culture’ (January 1978) and the war cry ‘Sink the Belgrano’ (May 1983) over the Malvinas.  She was, without doubt, a xenophobe,

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Deaths in police custody update

Over the last few months, police officers have been arrested in connection with the deaths of Sean Rigg and Kingsley Burrell, while someone died after being detained under the Mental Health Act. Sean Rigg On 27 March 2013, three police officers were arrested in connection with their evidence at the inquest into the death of

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NHS takes over immigration detention health care

There are grounds for hope for improvement in detainees’ health treatment, but vigilance is still needed. The NHS takeover of immigration detainees’ health care was perhaps the only positive news on 1 April, when the coalition’s ‘great benefits reform’ was inaugurated at the same time that most housing, debt, employment, social security and immigration advice

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Converging against G4S

Stop G4S campaigners will hold a second convergence in London to coordinate activities against the multinational. Human rights campaigners and activists working as a coalition have organised a second day of workshops and discussion ‘dedicated to developing the campaign against G4S and preventing them from putting profit before people.’ Workshops will be held on subjects

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Immigration detention: more evidence of contempt for the mentally ill

Another case of unlawful detention demonstrates that UKBA officials intent on detention and removal sometimes don’t even read psychiatric reports suggesting detention might be damaging. Previous cases involved foreign national offenders (FNOs),[1] whose detention was an important political priority for UKBA. But the hard line on detention appears to have spread to refused asylum seekers.

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Far Right targets Islamic events

The far Right, using information from an anti-extremist student body, is trying to sabotage Islamic events. Casuals United, under the guise of No Platform for Islamic ‘hate preachers’, has been distributing the addresses and phone numbers of the venues, from Newcastle to Reading, Birmingham to Essex, where Islamic preachers are billed or Muslim educative days

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