Press Release

Fighting for truth and justice

The latest edition of Race & Class includes Professor Phil Scraton’s account about the fight for truth around the Hillsborough Disaster of 1989. Last year, the Hillsborough Independent Panel released its findings into the Hillsborough tragedy that cost ninety-six people their lives, in which it catalogued an institutional cover-up that denied the voice of the

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Roma Voices

An important meeting hosted by the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Gypsies, Travellers and Roma will be held on 28 October – Czech National Day. The meeting will show a short film documenting the impact of nationalism on Romani communities in ther Czech Republic as the neo-Nazis march every week into the neighbourhoods where Roma live,

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Black History Month 2013

A selection of events marking Black History Month 2013. Black History Month Brighton – events include workshops, stories, poems, films, talks and more. See the event listing here. Black History Month Leicester – including performances, talks, workshops, concerts and more. See the event listing here.   Black History Month Liverpool – a selection of events

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What stop and search really means

Below we reproduce a letter from the StopWatch Youth Group to the Home Secretary on ‘what stop and search really means for young people and why this consultation is only the beginning’. Dear Home Secretary, Over the past three years, the StopWatch Youth Group has been campaigning, educating and advocating for changes to stop and

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Counter-terrorism policing in Woolwich

Is racial profiling being carried out by counter-terrorism police in South London following the death of Lee Rigby? On 1 June 2013, a group of friends driving through Woolwich in the early evening were intercepted by police officers apparently from the Met’s Counter Terrorism command, SO15. According to youth worker Husani Williams, who was driving

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Campaign to save the Public Sector Equality Duty

Groups have been fighting to prevent the government from watering down or dispensing altogether with the one part of the law which allows us to challenge institutional discrimination. Following the Macpherson recommendations, the 2000 Race Relations Amendment Act introduced a duty on public bodies to promote equality and the need to assess policy in terms

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Footprints: poems by Peter Blackman

The launch of Footprints, a book of poems by radical black poet Peter Blackman. Thursday 17 October 2013, 6.30pm Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS Speakers include: Chris Searle – Editor of the book Colin Prescod – IRR Chair Please RSVP to Related links Download a flyer for the event

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Policing immigration through the NHS

Below we reproduce a submission to a current government consultation by Frances Webber, a retired immigration barrister. Response to consultation document ‘Controlling immigration – regulating migrant access to health services in the UK’. I am responding as a recently retired barrister specialising since the early 1980s in immigration casework. I do not believe that a

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The lobbying bill: a minefield for anti-racist groups

Legislation currently going through parliament which was supposed to address parliamentary corruption scandals may end up gagging community groups, including anti-racists, instead. In the wake of a rash of corruption scandals which revealed the ubiquity and dominance of corporate interests at Westminster,[1] the government was forced to take action to regulate corporate lobbying. It used

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