Dignity for asylum seekers solidarity march

A solidarity march to raise awareness about issues facing asylum seekers. Leaves Bristol Thursday, 29 May 2014 Arrive in Cardiff Monday, 2 June 2014 RELATED LINKS More details of the route and stop-over points, here Dignity for Asylum Seekers

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Second joint enterprise inquiry to examine impact on BME communities

The House of Commons Justice Committee is set to hold a further inquiry into joint enterprise. Since 2010 the prisoners’ support group JENGbA (Joint Enterprise – Not Guilty by Association) has been campaigning to reform the legal doctrine of joint enterprise, also known as common purpose. Joint enterprise allows for individuals who ‘knowingly assisted or

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The fading red line: Barnardo’s role in the detention and removal of children

Barnardo’s reflection on its first two years at Cedars ‘pre-departure accommodation’ raises once again the problem of NGOs working to a state agenda. When, in the wake of the coalition’s ‘abolition’ of child detention in 2010, Barnardo’s announced its participation in the Home Office’s new ‘family-friendly pre-departure accommodation’ to be managed by G4S, it ignited

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Deaths in immigration detention: 1989-2017

Below we list all deaths that have taken place in immigration removal and short-term holding centres since 1989; we also list those who have died shortly after release from immigration detention. There have been thirty-four deaths in immigration removal centres since 1989; three women and the rest men. Harmondsworth detention centre accounts for nine deaths; five

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Exile from the CIS: when persecution crosses borders

A parliamentary seminar to launch a new publication on the plight of political dissidents and refugees also drew attention to Europe’s complicity, via asylum policy and extradition requests, in repression in the Commonwealth of Independent States. A new publication by the Foreign Policy Centre, Shelter from the Storm? The asylum, refugee and extradition situation facing

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Is the far Right setting the Daily Mail’s agenda?

In the last week, the Daily Mail has run several stories emanating from the far Right without revealing this fact to its readers. On St. George’s Day, the MailOnline ran a story claiming that customers had complained about the replacement of St. George’s Cross flags with Union Jacks at a Wetherspoon’s pub in Herne Bay,

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The Muslims are Coming!

Saleh Mamon reviews The Muslims are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War on Terror, by Arun Kundnani. In this remarkably ambitious work, Arun Kundnani attempts to address two key issues: why Islam is considered the root of terrorism and how Muslim citizenship is becoming conditional on abandoning belief. Kundnani’s thorough investigation leads him to

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The plight of unaccompanied asylum seeking children

Nicky Road examines three recent reports documenting the treatment of young asylum seekers in the UK. The Office of the Children’s Commissioner’s (OCC) recently published report, What’s going to happen tomorrow? Unaccompanied children refused the right to asylum, investigates what happens to unaccompanied children after they reach the age of 18. Up until they are

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UKIP: legitimised by the media?

John Grayson examines the way UKIP’s messages have been legitimised and in some cases promoted by the media. The self-proclaimed leader of ‘the people’s army’ can relish his victory. Nigel Farage – whose party was once dismissed as a home for fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists – has established himself as a big beast in

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Establishing a framework for understanding the rise of fascism

A review of a report on the extent of Golden Dawn’s penetration of the Greek state. An excellent free downloadable report published by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is not only an essential primer for understanding the parliamentary rise of the neo-nazi criminal organisation Golden Dawn (GD), but a much-needed corrective to academic fashions that see

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