
Germany: ‘belief test’ for Muslim students

As university lecturers in the UK warn of the threat posed to academic freedom by government guidelines on dealing with extremism on campus, university lecturers and students in North-Rhine Westphalia are campaigning against the targeting of foreign students and academics from Muslim countries. It was recently exposed by the Frankfurter Rundschau that the interior ministry

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Living under a control order

Below, we reproduce the speech made by Cerie Bullivant* on living under control orders at the launch of ‘Captivated: Art of the Interned’. ‘When I was first asked to do this event, I thought it’s the least I can do to raise awareness of those untold stories of persecution in the name of the “War

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Hunger strike – ’till death or deportation’

The organisation Cageprisoners is calling for urgent action for a stateless Palestinian refugee, Mahmoud Abu Rideh, who is in a critical condition in a London hospital after being on hunger strike for over thirty days. Mahmoud, one of the fifteen or so terror suspects in the UK, subjected to virtual house arrest under a control

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The beauty of the art of the interned

An astonishing exhibition was launched this week in central London of poetry, pottery, paintings, crafts, pictures, photographs, cartoons – all created by men detained under anti-terror laws in the UK. Appropriately held at Together, a national charity supporting people with mental health needs, this is an eclectic mixture of works, all created by men arrested,

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Celebrating 50 years of the IRR

This year, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) will be 50 years old. It is the longest established race body in the UK. Over its fifty years, the IRR has pioneered research into racial violence, policing of Black communities, school exclusions, deaths in custody, xeno-racism and, through Race & Class, set new parameters for understanding

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National campaign against anti-terror laws

Community groups across the UK and human rights organisations have come together to campaign against proposed new anti-terror laws. The Queen’s speech next week is likely to announce a new Counter Terrorism Bill, which will: Extend pre-charge detention in terrorism cases from 28 days to 56 or even 90 days; Seek to create a new

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How liberals lost their anti-racism

Recent books by Nick Cohen and Andrew Anthony point to a new hard-nosed liberalism which targets British Muslims. A new sentiment has gripped the mainstream of liberal thinking in Britain over the last few years. It is an attitude that regards Muslims as uniquely problematic and in need of forceful integration into what it views

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Scotland rallies against terrorism

Following a spate of racial violence against Muslims in Scotland in response to the attack on Glasgow airport, various Muslim community groups are organising a ‘Scotland United Against Terror’ rally in Glasgow’s George Square this weekend. The week following the attack on Glasgow airport has seen a number of violent incidents taking place against Muslims

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The Blair legacy

As Blair leaves office, he leaves a country more divided – by race, class and status – than he found it. As Tony Blair finally relinquishes power, much has been and will be written about the legacy of his ten years. In the fields of immigration and asylum, as in other fields, his reign presents

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