Stop & search training

London Campaign Against Police and State Violence are offering experience and training on what to do and what your rights are on stop and search. Saturday 28 June 2014, 2-4pm Lambeth UNISON, 6A Acre Lane, London SW2 5SG Related links Facebook event listing London Campaign Against Police and State Violence on Facebook London Campaign Against

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Asylum in Switzerland – out of sight, out of mind

Swiss asylum policy is characterised by institutional neglect within hostile systems designed to segregate and exclude. Feras Farees Abedal Motaleeb was a Palestinian refugee who, having fled from Iraq to Switzerland to save his life, found death in a remote Swiss valley, in an 8m² space in a metal container which he shared with two

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Stop and search training in Brixton

London Campaign Against Police and State Violence are offering training on what to do and what your rights are on stop and search. Sunday 15 June 2014, 2-4pm Unit 8, Warwick House, Overton Road, London SW9 7JP Related links London Campaign Against Police and State Violence Facebook event listing

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Naming the Narratives: the Trojan Horse affair in Birmingham

In a week when twenty leading educationalists and Muslim leaders have questioned Ofsted’s impartiality in the Birmingham ‘Trojan Horse’ affair, education consultant Robin Richardson reflects on the factors behind its controversial recent inspections. The Trojan Horse story in Birmingham is one in which carelessness, incompetence, coincidence, opportunism, self-interest and sheer wickedness all play significant parts.

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Exile from the CIS: when persecution crosses borders

A parliamentary seminar to launch a new publication on the plight of political dissidents and refugees also drew attention to Europe’s complicity, via asylum policy and extradition requests, in repression in the Commonwealth of Independent States. A new publication by the Foreign Policy Centre, Shelter from the Storm? The asylum, refugee and extradition situation facing

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The Muslims are Coming!

Saleh Mamon reviews The Muslims are Coming! Islamophobia, Extremism and the Domestic War on Terror, by Arun Kundnani. In this remarkably ambitious work, Arun Kundnani attempts to address two key issues: why Islam is considered the root of terrorism and how Muslim citizenship is becoming conditional on abandoning belief. Kundnani’s thorough investigation leads him to

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UKIP: legitimised by the media?

John Grayson examines the way UKIP’s messages have been legitimised and in some cases promoted by the media. The self-proclaimed leader of ‘the people’s army’ can relish his victory. Nigel Farage – whose party was once dismissed as a home for fruitcakes, loonies and closet racists – has established himself as a big beast in

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Establishing a framework for understanding the rise of fascism

A review of a report on the extent of Golden Dawn’s penetration of the Greek state. An excellent free downloadable report published by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is not only an essential primer for understanding the parliamentary rise of the neo-nazi criminal organisation Golden Dawn (GD), but a much-needed corrective to academic fashions that see

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How violent is Britain?

‘How Violent is Britain?’ is a one-day conference bringing together campaigners, academics, key public figures and journalists to explore how we should tackle institutional state and corporate violence in Britain. Friday 16 May 2014, 9.30-5pm Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool Speakers include: Moazzam Begg – Cage Prisoners Alan Brecknell –

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