Critical mass to Calais

A bike ride to Calais to get bikes and other provisions to refugees in Calais. Saturday 29 August – Monday 31 August 2015 London-Calais (see website for further details) Related links Critical Mass London Read more about the bike ride on Rabble  

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Charlie Hebdo backlash – the unredacted story

A new report by Le Collectif Contre l’Islamophobie en France (CCIF) documents the intensification of violence against Muslims following the Paris attacks in January 2015. After the terrorist attacks earlier this year in France – in which eleven staff at the magazine Charlie Hebdo were gunned down, a police officer outside was killed, another police officer killed

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Calendar of racism and resistance (3 – 16 July 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Violence and harassment 2 July: The Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF) publishes a report documenting a 23.5 per cent rise in Islamophobic attacks after the killings of the Charlie Hebdo staff and hostages in a Jewish grocery

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Remembering Jean Charles de Menezes – ten years on

Join the family of Jean Charles de Menezes to mark the tenth anniversary of his death on 22 July 2005. Wednesday 22 July at 9.30-11am Stockwell underground station, Clapham Road, London SW9 9AE Related links Newham Monitoring Project (NMP) Facebook event listing

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Calendar of racism and resistance (19 June – 2 July 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. POLICING AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE 19 June: The Independent Police Complaints Commission will consider whether the ethnicity or the mental health of a 33-year-old prisoner injured in a cell influenced the actions of six officers involved in his restraint, resulting in

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Working Illegally: film and discussion

A screening of ‘Working Illegally’ which looks behind the closed walls of UK border enforcement to expose the reality of immigration detention.  Thursday 23 July 2015, 6.30pm The Stretch, Goldsmiths Students’ Union, Dixon Road, New Cross SE14 6NW The screening will be followed by a discussion between Aderonke Apata (a former detainee at the Yarl’s

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Press Release

Transnational capital and the technology of domination and desire

The July issue of Race & Class takes up three topical themes: the monetarisation of private information, the politics of film and the demonisation of ‘anti-racism’. Jerry Harris, national secretary of the Global Studies Association of North America, in a provocative lead article examines transnational capital and what he terms ‘the technology of domination and

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Audio & Video

Sivanandan’s April 2015 postscript

A. Sivanandan updates his thinking on globalisation, impact of the market state and the stirrings of rebellion. ‘The spaces are there for us to fight back in, and the time is here to be seized’. RELATED LINKS Read about the event here

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the future

Session three of of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The future: Building on communities of dissent: premiere of film Catching History on the Wing: a conversation with A Sivanandan followed by audience/panel interaction led by Suresh Grover (The Monitoring Group) and Phil Miller (Corporate Watch), moderated

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the present

Session two of of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The present: Why do we count deaths? – a roundtable discussion on structured violence and mortality led by Avery Gordon, with Eddie Bruce-Jones, Harmit Athwal and Frances Webber (presenting two new IRR reports Dying for Justice and

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