
‘Super-selectivity’ and its effects

The policy of commercialisation of migration leads inexorably to neglect and ill-treatment of the most vulnerable. At a recent conference organised by the Detention Advice Service (DAS), Rob Whiteman, the UK Border Agency’s (UKBA) chief executive, was unapologetic. ‘We implement the government’s policy of super-selectivity’, he said. ‘That means we want only the brightest and

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G4S, Jomast Stockton hostel and the mother-and-baby-market

John Grayson, researching the G4S asylum housing contracts and their impact on the North East, uncovers the latest G4S twist on asylum housing markets – a hostel for asylum seeker mothers and babies in Stockton on Tees. The hostel is contracted to G4S by Jomast Developments, a family property development company empire headed by Stuart

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New geographies of racism: Stoke-on-Trent

A public meeting on racial violence in Stoke-on-Trent. Tuesday 30 October 2012, 6.30pm Council Chamber, Civic Centre, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 IHH Speakers: Jon Burnett – Institute of Race Relations Bill Dixon – Keele University Jude Hawes – Challenge North Staffs Jason Hill – North Staffs Trade Council RELATED LINKS NorSCARF Download a flyer here Read the

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Radicalising the law

On the eve of the launch of her book, Borderline Justice, IRR News interviews its regular contributor, Frances Webber, about a life in the law. IRR News: What took you into the law? Were you a radical who chose the law as an arena of struggle or did the law radicalise you? Frances Webber: As

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Glasgow: solidarity with asylum seekers facing eviction

Campaigners in Glasgow monitored court proceedings on 17 October, in solidarity with asylum seekers who could be evicted from their homes and forced into destitution. Just as groups are launching a campaign against G4S’ treatment of asylum seekers in the north of England, groups in Glasgow are taking up the cause of asylum seekers facing

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Holding G4S to account

Last week, activists gathered to protest at the activities of the multinational corporation G4S, whose guards were involved in the death of Angolan Jimmy Mubenga in October 2010. A ‘day of action for Jimmy Mubenga, victim of G4S and the deadly deportation machine’ saw people from numerous groups campaigning against the activities of G4S gather

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Free asylum support training for women

WSSAG Wales offers a day of training for women who have problems with their asylum support or are facing destitution. Saturday 27 October 2012, 1-4pm Adamsdown Resource Centre, 10G Moira Terrace, Adamsdown, Cardiff CF24 0EJ Related links WSSAG

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Two years on and no justice for Jimmy Mubenga

Next week, anti-G4S campaigners will mark the two years since the death of Jimmy Mubenga during a forced deportation on 12 October 2010. Jimmy Mubenga, an Angolan father of five, died on a British Airways plane at Heathrow after he was restrained by three guards from G4S, which was contracted to carry out ‘escorting’ (deportations)

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Day of action for Jimmy Mubenga

Anti-G4S campaigners are holding a day of action to mark the two-year anniversary of the death of Jimmy Mubenga. Friday 12 October 2012 Crown Prosecution Service, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS, 11-1pm. G4S UK & Ireland head office, 105 Victoria Street, London SW1E 6QT, 2-4pm. Related links Download a flyer for the

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Facing the Abyss

A recent conference presented the challenges facing separated children seeking asylum as they turn 18. The  conference, organised by the Royal Holloway and the Tavistock and Portman NHS on 19 September, brought together lawyers, teachers, mental health workers, social workers, refugee organisations and young asylum seekers to share their knowledge and experiences and to establish

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