‘How much further?’ film screening

A screening of ‘How much further?’ a film about asylum seekers in Europe, to mark International Human Rights Day 2012. Monday 10 December 2012, 7.30pm Falls Community Council, 275-277 Falls Road, Belfast BT12 6FD  RELATED LINKS West Against Racism Network  

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Dismantling racial justice

The coalition’s proposals to restrict judicial review and to abolish measures which safeguard race equality amount to a further assault on migrants, asylum seekers and BME communities, in the guise of promoting economic growth. Prime minister David Cameron used the unlikely setting of a speech to the Confederation of British Industry (CBI) conference on 19

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St Andrew’s day march

The annual St Andrew’s day anti-racism march and rally. Saturday 24 November 2012, 10.30am Assemble at Glasgow Green, Glasgow G40 1BA and march to the rally at Glasgow Film Theatre, Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RB Speakers include: Representatives from the Coalition for Racial Equality and Rights Representatives from the Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees Shamin

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Why Ireland needs anti-racism

The Dublin-based Anti-Racism Network (ARN)[1] co-founded by Luke Bukha Kasuanga is taking on new challenges. The ARN was launched in August 2010, but recently, in the light of yet another asylum death (in direct provision) and an increase in brutal deportations, it has expanded its remit, launching a sister organisation Anti Deportation Ireland. A new

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The struggle for family and private life in the UK

A training day to explore how unity can be built with those fighting for leave to remain, or those who have just been granted status, to challenge the austerity measures. Saturday 24 November 2012, 10-3.30pm The Friends Meeting House, 6 The Friars, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2AS Speakers: Sheona York – Kent Law Clinic Shanti Haft

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Another death at Harmondsworth

On 30 October, a man was found dead at Harmondsworth removal centre in west London. The deceased has been named as 31-year-old Prince Kwabena Fosu from Ghana. The Home Office released a one-sentence statement and refused to answer any questions: ‘This death is being investigated so it would be inappropriate to comment at this stage. We will

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Calais Migrant Solidarity (CMS) training weekend

An opportunity to explore how people can get involved in ongoing practical solidarity in Calais. Saturday 10 November – Sunday 11 November 2012, 10-5pm London Action Resource Centre, 62 Fieldgate Street, Shadwell, London E1 1ES Workshops and discussions include: the daily life in Calais legal briefing ongoing practical solidarity projects in Calais/UK UK asylum, detention

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Celebrating literacy

An event to celebrate literacy with asylum seeking and refugee women. Tuesday 6 November 2012, 10am Scottish Refugee Council (SRC), 5 Cadogan Square, Glasgow G2 7PH Participants include: female SRC advice workers a solicitor from the Legal Services Agency Women’s Dept Glasgow Women’s Library Bridges Programme Refugee Women’s Strategy Group Related links Scottish Refugee Council

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Fortress Europe book event

A discussion of the politics and consequences of Europe’s heavily militarised ‘hard’ borders. Wednesday 7 November 2012, 7pm Housmans Bookshop, 5 Caledonian Road, London N1 9DX Speakers: Matt Carr – journalist and author of Fortress Europe: dispatches from a gated continent Liz Fekete – Institute of Race Relations RELATED LINKS Housmans Bookshop Buy a copy

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Our democracy is at stake

Below we reproduce the speech by Helen Bamber at the launch of Borderline Justice: the fight for refugee and migrant rights by the IRR vice-chair Frances Webber. I grew up in the ’30s, I watched, under the guidance of a politically minded father, the rise of fascism, not only in Europe but in England.  I watched

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