NCADC workshop

A workshop on campaigning for the right to remain for people facing deportation. Saturday 1 March 2014, 11-2pm Carnegie Library, 188 Herne Hill Road, London SE24 0AG

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Public meeting: indefinite detention in Dorset

A public meeting about a new immigration removal centre set to open on the site of HMP The Verne. Thursday 27 February 2014, 6.45pm St. John’s Church, Greenhill, Weymouth DT4 7SS Speakers include: Ali McGinley – Association of Visitors to Immigration Detainees Andrew Wilson – Morton Hall Visitors Group Tamsin Alger – Detention Action A former detainee will

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Could Jimmy Mubenga’s death have been prevented?

As we await the publication of a new Home Office manual on deportations, IRR News has gleaned evidence from a number of Freedom of Information requests suggesting that the death of Jimmy Mubenga during deportation could have been prevented. Jimmy Mubenga died on 12 October 2010. A number of Freedom of Information requests into the

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No one is illegal gathering

A gathering of the No One Is Illegal campaign to end immigration controls. Saturday 15 February 2014, 2pm 6 Boulter Street, Oxford OX4 1AX RELATED LINKS No One Is Illegal

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Immigration Bill passes through Commons

The progress of another punitive Bill which strips away legal protection from migrants and will increase homelessness, ill health and destitution, seems for now to have tri-partisan support.  The Immigration Bill finished its passage through the House of Commons on 30 January. The third reading ought to have been a last chance for MPs to

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Unabashed anti-migrant, anti-welfare election strategy

The Tories plan a systematic stream of populist measures on migration and welfare benefits in the run up to the election, and there appears to be no opposition. According to the Daily Mail, last month, the Conservative Party’s election strategist Lynton Crosby suggested the party begin producing ‘a new policy to curb immigrants and benefits’

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Set her free: shine a light

A peaceful gathering to demand the release of refugee women and to shine a light on Yarl’s Wood and indefinite detention in the UK. Thursday 13 February 2014, 6pm Home Office, 2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF Bring torches, candles and bike lights. Speakers include: Meltem Avcil (ex-detainee and campaigner) Kate Smurthwaite (comedian and activist)

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Politicians, racism and the media

A public meeting to demand an end to politicians creating a climate of racism and xenophobia. Tuesday 18 February 2014, 7-9pm The Workstation, 15 Paternoster Row, Sheffield S1 2BX Speakers: Emma Briant – University of Sheffield Jon Burnett – Institute of Race Relations John Grayson – SYMAAG Related links South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action

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Re-evaluating Enoch Powell

A new book on Enoch Powell reappraises without rehabilitating. In December 2012, Vince Cable compared his own government’s rhetoric on immigration to Powell’s 1968 ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech. In January of this year, UKIP leader Nigel Farage said of the same speech ‘the basic principle is right’. On both and many other occasions, columnists rushed

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