Discrimination law update

A discrimination law update organised by the Forum for Research into Equality and Diversity in collaboration with the University of Northampton. Monday 11 April 2016, 6-8pm Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham B4 7ET Speakers include:  Robin Allen QC – Head of Cloisters barristers’ Professor Muriel Robison – University of Edinburgh Related links See further details here

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Trade unionists for Calais

A day-school to discuss how trade unionists can organise and build solidarity with refugees in Calais and Dunkirk. Sunday 24 April 2016, 11-5pm Student Central, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HY The day-school will feature plenaries and workshops with discussion and debate. Related links Book here Stand Up to Racism

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Unexpected artists in conversation

Three artists discuss journeys of migration from the Caribbean to London. Thursday 14 April 2016, 6.30-8.30pm Ben Uri Gallery and Museum, 108A Boundary Road, London NW8 0RH Artists include:  Tam Joseph Fowokan George Kelly  Eugene Palmer  Michael Ohajuru (chair) Related links Ben Uri Gallery Book here View a flyer (pdf file, 432kb)

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Open Generation 2016

Two days of discussions about the London mayoral election, the refugee crisis and the EU Referendum organised by the Migrant Rights Network. Friday 8 April and Saturday 9 April 2016, 3pm Autograph ABP, 1 Rivington Place, London EC2A 3BA Related links Event details Migrant Rights Network

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No Borders night

The start of monthly No Borders nights in south London, to share experiences and information on various projects, campaigns and protests. Sunday 17 April 2016, 6pm The Field, 385 Queens Road, New Cross, London SE14 5HD Related links Facebook event listing

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Calendar of racism and resistance (11 – 24 March 2016)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 3 March: Home Secretary Theresa May wins the right to deport refused asylum seekers to Afghanistan after the Court of Appeal overturns an injunction imposed following concerns that the country was too dangerous. (Bureau of Investigative Journalism,

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Germany: neo-Nazis and the market in asylum reception

The German government’s use of the largely unregulated private security sector in the reception and care of asylum seekers has led to neo-Nazis having unrestricted access to the very people they want to harm. Rene S. was an active member of the neo-Nazi organisation ‘Sturm 18’, with a criminal record, yet in 2015, he was

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Stop G4S day school

A day of education, information and discussion leading to action through encouragement of grassroots campaigns. Saturday 9 April 2016, 10.30-5.30pm Quaker Meeting House, 10 James Street, Sheffield S1 2EW Related links See event on Facebook here

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Black history and black struggle: the past in the present

Below we reproduce a speech at the eleventh annual Huntley Conference on the IRR’s Black History Collection and the importance of archives in signposting the past and future. Today I want to talk to you about an item from the Black History Collection, which is held at the Institute of Race Relations. But before I get

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No Nazis in Dover

A demonstration to oppose the presence of neo-Nazi groups in Dover. Saturday 2 April 2016, 9.30am Port of Dover, Kent ME20 Related links Kent Anti-Racist Network Facebook event listing Facebook event for coach info

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