Refugee refuseniks ‘welcome bus’ tour of east london

 A ‘Welcome Bus’ tour of East London to celebrate 25 years of RAMFEL. Friday 24 March 2017, 1.30pm-5pm Pick up locations en-route The ‘Welcome Bus’ will be touring East London between 1.30-5pm, depending on traffic, and will be visiting the following locations: Barking and Dagenham Town Hall Havering Town Hall RedbridgeTown Hall Newham Town Hall Waltham

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Deport, Deprive, Extradite: state extremism and expulsion

A workshop aiming to explore the stories of those who are criminalised and dehumanised through the War on Terror.  Friday 24 March 2017, 9.30-5pm Friend’s House, 173-177 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ Speakers include: Arun Kundnani Rafia Zakaria Gargi Bhattacharyya Luke De Noronha Arzu Merali Nisha Kapoor The workshop will also be reflecting on the implications of this

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Demonstration at Morton Hall

A demonstration to protest the two deaths at Morton Hall immigration detention centre. Saturday 11 March 2017, 12pm Morton Hall Village, Swinderby, Lincoln LN6 9PT Related links View further details here

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Calendar of racism and resistance (10-23 February 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 8 February: New research by Bail for Immigration Detainees (BID) finds that hundreds of foreign nationals being held in prison are being denied access to immigration advice. Download the report: Mind the Gap: Immigration Advice

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The shame of asylum housing of child refugees in the UK

John Grayson, a campaigner from South Yorkshire, examines the market in asylum housing in the UK. The early months of the lives of hundreds of babies, toddlers and young child refugees have been blighted by life in privatised accommodation provided by G4S, Serco and Clearsprings[1] and funded by taxpayers, since 2012. Now the government has

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Migrant deaths at European borders

A panel presenting the results of ESRC funded research into the treatment of the dead in Italy and Greece, and the position of relatives in Tunisia and Turkey. Wednesday 22 March 2017, 6-7.30pm 32L.G.03, 32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE), London WC2A 2AE Speakers include:   Dr Claire Moon – Associate Professor

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Calendar of racism and resistance (26 January – 9 February 2017)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and immigration January 2016: The Migration Observatory publishes a report: Young People and Migration in the UK: An Overview. View and download it here. 27 January: The Belgian interior minister announces that Belgium, France and the Netherlands

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‘No one accepts responsibility’: thirteen refugees dead in Greece

As refugees and migrants die in Greece’s ‘hotspots’, military camps and in transit, the EU, the UNHCR and Greek institutions must be held to account. When the European Commission announced, in September 2015, a plan to create hotspots to fingerprint, screen and register refugees arriving in Greece and Italy, many of the larger humanitarian agencies

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‘Hearts tired of all talk’*

The Last Rights project, set up in 2016, aims to ‘create a new framework of respect for the rights of missing and dead refugees and migrants and bereaved family members’. The project’s co-convenors, Catriona Jarvis and Syd Bolton, have since the summer of 2015 been frequent visitors to Lesbos, doing volunteer work. They spent winter

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One Day Without Us: UK National Protest

One Day Without Us – a national day of action to celebrate the contribution of migrants to the UK, to coincide with UN World Day of Social Justice. Monday 20 February – Tuesday 21 February 2017 Locations across the UK Please check the One Day Without Us website for details for actions across the UK Related

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