
Deportation targets trump children’s rights

When the newly-elected government announced it would end the detention of children, IRR News cautioned against early optimism. This week’s developments explain why. The Guardian‘s exposé that the UK Border Agency (UKBA) plans to set up a £4 million ‘reintegration centre’ in Kabul for unaccompanied minors shows that when it comes to unaccompanied minors, it’s

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Threatened closure spells disaster for refugees

Refugee and Migrant Justice (RMJ), the largest UK legal charity offering free advice and representation to asylum seekers and other vulnerable migrants, is facing the real possibility of closure because of huge delays in payments for the work its lawyers do. Its closure would mean that the 10,000 or so asylum seekers and vulnerable migrants

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The moving right show … again

A member of the South Yorkshire Migration and Action Group analyses how racist assumptions have been embedded by Labour politicians. The general election campaign focused on the big ‘I’ – immigration; but the underlying ‘common sense racism’ of media and political debate framed much of the public arguments. The political world after the election is

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Harmondsworth expansion adds to risk

According to HM Chief Inspector of Prisons (HMCIP) Dame Anne Owers’ latest critical report, small improvements at Harmondsworth immigration removal centre (IRC) will be jeopardised by the opening of new prison-like accommodation there. Harmondsworth was the first immigration detention centre, where inmates were held in Victorian prison-like accommodation. It became a byword for brutality and

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Congo Support Project funding appeal

The Congo Support Project is struggling to secure funding for its vital services. After recent grant applications were rejected, money for the everyday running of the Project, which provides a voice for the Congolese community in Britain, has become extremely tight, and there are increasing concerns about the possibility of continuing to offer the services

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How good is the good news on child detention?

The heralded end to the detention of children in centres like Yarl’s Wood has to be treated with caution. The immediate ending of children’s detention in Scotland, announced as part of the coalition deal on 15 May 2010, has not resulted in the release of children. Instead, families with children, including Pakistani victim of domestic

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How good is the good news on child detention?

The heralded end to the detention of children in centres like Yarl’s Wood has to be treated with caution. The immediate ending of children’s detention in Scotland, announced as part of the coalition deal on 15 May 2010, has not resulted in the release of children. Instead, families with children, including Pakistani victim of domestic

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Refugee Week 2010

Refugee Week is a UK-wide programme of arts, cultural and educational events that celebrate the contribution of refugees to the UK, and encourages a better understanding between communities. Every year, hundreds of events are organised aiming to counter fear, ignorance and negative stereotypes, exploring the contributions that refugees give to the UK and the reasons

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Reflections on the media, immigration and the election

A member of South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group discusses the way that politicians and sections of the media have distorted issues around asylum and immigration. As we start to analyse the results of the 2010 election, we may be witnessing a reversal in the fortunes of the far-Right BNP in England. Its leader

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Creating a support network for young refugees

An interview with Mohammed Jouni, a 24-year-old refugee from Lebanon who lives in Germany and is active in the Berlin branch of Youth without Borders (JoG, Jugendliche ohne Grenzen). Liz Fekete: Could you tell us when and why JoG was formed? Mohammed Jouni: It all really goes back to 2002, when an initiative for the

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