
Two deaths in three weeks in Spain’s notorious detention centres

Allegations of institutional neglect surround the deaths of two migrants within weeks of a report calling for the centres’ closure. In the early hours of 5 January, a 21-year-old man from Guinea-Conraky, died in Barcelona’s immigration detention centre after complaining of chest pains or (according to another report) breathing problems. The age of the deceased,

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Unsafe return

A new report on returns to the DRC challenges the government’s assertion that refused asylum seekers are not at risk. In Unsafe return: refoulement of Congolese asylum seekers, Catherine Ramos examines the experiences of seventeen Congolese refused asylum seekers returned to Democratic Republic of the Congo and finds that most of them were subjected to

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Young Lives in Limbo

New research highlights the huge inconsistencies in assessing the age of separated young people seeking asylum and the damaging implications of getting it wrong. Each year separated young people arrive without identity documents or birth certificates to verify their age. To quote one young person, ‘I come to this country and I want to tell

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Second immigration detention ruled ‘inhuman or degrading’

For the second time in three months, a High Court judge has condemned the immigration detention of a mentally ill offender as inhuman or degrading. Campaigners are calling for a thorough review of the detention of vulnerable people after the judgment in October 2011 that the detention of a mentally ill man for deportation violated

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City of Sanctuary Glasgow world ceilidh

An event focused on building a culture of hospitality for people seeking sanctuary. Friday 16 December 2011, 12-4pm Garnethill Multicultural Centre, 21 Rose Street, Glasgow G3 6RE Includes: Discussion groups Storytelling Food Music Related links City of Sanctuary Glasgow

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Training for asylum and immigration campaigners

A chance to find out what is effective, share experiences and improve local responses. Saturday 10 December 2011, 1-5pm Community Hall, St. Nicholas of Tolentino Church, Bristol BS5 0RE Training from: Detention Action Corporate Watch The Unity Centre National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns Related links Bristol Refugee Rights Bristol No Borders

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Calais Migrant Solidarity info nights

Updates on the current situation with No Borders in Calais and the future of the project. Friday 2 December 2011, 5pm at the Bloomsbury Social Centre, 53 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD Saturday 3 December 2011, 6.30pm at the Bank of Ideas, Sun Street, London EC2M 2PT Info nights include: Updates on the situation in

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An extraordinary journey by a young Afghan boy

Michael Morpurgo’s story, Shadow, tells how Aman, a young boy, flees from the horror of war in Afghanistan and travels to England, in search of a new home. Living with his family in Bamiyan his father is, one day, taken by the Taliban. A strange, western dog shows up outside the caves where Aman lives

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Lethal detention and deportation conditions

A meeting on deaths and near-deaths in immigration detention and during deportation. Monday 28 November 2011, 6.30-8.30pm Portcullis House, London SW1A 2LW Speakers: Jeremy Corbyn MP – Chair Mr WS – ex-detainee Dr Ben Robinson – Medical Justice Mark Scott – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Adrienne Makenda Kambana – widow of Jimmy Mubenga Deborah Coles –

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