
Europe in lockdown

Migreurop, a coalition of organisations from thirteen European, African and Middle Eastern countries, has produced an extremely useful and powerful report which describes in detail ways in which the policy of preventing the entry of undocumented migrants is implemented. The first part of At the margins of Europe: the externalisation of migration controls, looks at

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Inhuman responses to distressed children

A report on ‘apathetic children’ in Sweden is important for UK asylum campaigners for the light it sheds on a condition so far unrecognised here. This useful report from Sweden throws light on the authorities’ treatment of children in asylum-seeking families who have developed severe depressive devitalisation (‘apathetic children’). The children become extremely distressed and

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X-rays, surveillance and secret justice

X-raying migrant children to determine age and proposals to monitor all communications, as well as the proposed secret justice measures, further target ‘suspect communities’. The pilot x-ray scheme to assess the age of young asylum seekers whose claims to be children are disbelieved, which started at the end of March with virtually no notice, has

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Glasgow: the evictions begin

Over 100 asylum seekers are facing eviction in Glasgow, after Serco was contracted to manage their accommodation.  In January 2011, immigration minister Damien Green apologised for the ‘inappropriateness’ of government proposals to evict hundreds of asylum seekers from Glasgow, turfing them onto the streets if they refused to accept accommodation outside the city.[1] Fast forward

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West Midlands against G4S

A demonstration against G4S’ acquisition of asylum seeker housing contracts. Tuesday 27 March 2012, 12.30-2pm 5 Stone Road, Birmingham B15 2HH

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Breaking the fences

A fundraiser showing short films on freedom of movement, migration controls and resistance. Sunday 1 April 2012, 7-10pm OARC, East Oxford Community Centre, Cowley Road, Oxford OX4 1HU Films include: Short films on the border regimes of Fortress Europe

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Have your say

Should migrants care who is the next Mayor of London? A discussion on how the Mayor can improve the quality of life for migrant communities and how you can influence this year’s election Tuesday 27 March 2012, 11-1pm MRCF, 2 Thorpe Close, London W10 5XL Speakers: Kristina Hemon – Migrant and Refugee Communities Forum Citizens

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Xenophobia drives government assault on European court

Human rights in Europe are at grave risk from the UK government, argues a leading human rights campaigner. In the wake of the furore over the European human rights court’s ruling that Abu Qatada could not be deported, a draft document leaked to the Guardian reveals that the UK government is determined to reduce the

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Algerian deportees win important secrecy ruling

For once, the supreme court has offered protection to those facing deportation on national security grounds. We are, unfortunately, all too familiar with the scenario where secret evidence is used against those, almost exclusively Muslims, whom the UK Border Agency (UKBA) seeks to deport for ‘reasons of national security’. But in a landmark ruling[1], the

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Human Rights Watch film festival

The Human Rights Watch London film festival Colour of the Ocean Friday 23 March 2012, 9.15pm, at Curzon Soho Saturday 24 March 2012, 7pm, at Ritzy Black Block Saturday 24 March 2012, 6.40pm, at Curzon Soho Sunday 25 March 2012, 4.30pm, at Ritzy Special Flight, with Q&A Tuesday 27 March 2012, 9pm, at Ritzy Wednesday

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