
Forced marriage protection – for whom?

The UK Border Agency (UKBA) does not seem to be aware of its own policy on forced marriage. In June the prime minister announced a new initiative to tackle the menace of forced marriage setting out the government’s intention to create specific criminal offences for perpetrators and to devote half a million pounds to an

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Facing the abyss

A conference examining the experiences of separated children seeking asylum and the challenges faced by professionals supporting them. Wednesday 19 September 2012, 9.30-4.30 Tavistock Centre, 120 Belsize Square, London NW3 5BA Speakers: Dr Maggie Atkinson – Children’s Commissioner, England Judith Dennis – Refugee Council Gillian Hughes – Tavistock Centre Zubier Yazdani – Deighton Pierce Glynn

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No One Is Illegal gathering

Annual meeting of the No One Is Illegal campaigning group. Saturday 15 September 2012, 1-5.30pm 6 Boulter Street, Oxford OX4 1AX Agenda and topics for discussion iclude: Government attack on ‘foreign’ students UKBA crackdown ESOL EDL, UKIP, Daily Mail et al Fighting back – trends and developments in migrant resistance Killing migrants – the Mediterranean

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No evictions, no destitution

A demonstration against the eviction of asylum seekers and refugees by private landlord Ypeople. Thursday 13 September 2012, 12.30-1.30pm City Chambers, George Square, Glasgow G2 1DU Related links Glasgow Campaign to Welcome Refugees  

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Immigration detention deaths

The Medical Justice annual review and a discussion on deaths in immigration detention. Wednesday 5 September 2012, 6pm (doors open 5.30pm) Community Hall, Athlone Street, London NW5 4LL Speakers include: Emma Mlotshwa (Medical Justice Coordinator) on campaigning to prevent further injury and death Ex-detainee on the experience of being locked in when fellow detainees died Dr

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Reading for rights

An evening of stories poems and verse about asylum, refugees, racism and equality. Monday 10 September 2012, 6.30pm Irvine Library, 168 High Street Irvine, Ayreshire, Scotland KA12 8AN Featuring: Elizabeth Rimmer – Poet

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The National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns’ annual general meeting. Saturday 8 September 2012, 10:30-6pm Praxis Community Projects, Pott Street in Bethnal Green, London, E2 0EF Programme includes: Discussions Legal and campaigning workshops Premiere of a theatre performance by Mazloom Related Links National Coalition of Anti Deportation Campaigns

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Digital initiatives for undocumented youth

A recent workshop, Undoc Camp, brought together migrant supporters, activists and lawyers with software developers and designers to help young migrants with irregular status.   ‘Who gave you permission to be here? Can I see your forms? You haven’t filled them in properly. You shouldn’t be here. Fill in this form. The one you’ve used is

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Press Release

The new geographies of racism: Peterborough

Research published today by the Institute of Race Relations shows that recently arrived migrant workers are vulnerable to exploitation and xenophobic attacks. The new geographies of racism: Peterborough, focuses on a city which has experienced significant population change over the last decade, largely as a result of the expansion of the European Union and the

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Jimmy Mubenga’s family devastated

The family of Jimmy Mubenga has been left devastated by the recent decision not to prosecute the three G4S officers involved in his death. Jimmy, a father of five, died after being restrained on a plane at Heathrow airport in October 2010. His family have been waiting since that time for the police to complete

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