
Calling the state to account

Liz Fekete examines the role and importance of grassroots monitoring groups today in Europe. This article was originally written as a contribution to a publication in which anti-racists across Europe marked the tenth anniversary of ReachOut, an anti-racist monitoring group in Berlin. Why do we need independent groups to monitor racist attacks?[1] On the tenth

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Change the climate of hatred

A statement on the murders in Toulouse and Montauban from the Collective Against Islamophobia in France (CCIF). A murderer has struck down seven people in cold blood, in an organised, premeditated way: three soldiers, two of them Muslims, and a Jewish father and three children, shot at point-blank range. While their families mourn the dead,

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Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks

The launch of Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks (MAMA), a project providing support to victims and witnesses of anti-Muslim hate crime, recording incidents and highlighting the scale of attacks. Tuesday 21 February 2012, 1.30pm Central London venue Related links Faith Matters

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The international language of football

Reading of the allegations of racism in football, it struck me as the more sad, that, over the years, football has been for me the great leveller, the international language which speaks across countries, class and gender. It was 1986, my husband and I were on the cheapest of cheapest jolly holidays in Tunisia, packaged

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Twit or tweet

The furore about Diane Abbott’s tweet reveals a wilful inability to distinguish between state racism and personal prejudice. It is quite clear to anyone with an ounce of politics, that MP Diane Abbotts’s ‘whites divide and rule’ tweet would not have made newspaper headlines had it not been for the critical verdict in the Lawrence

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Germany’s Stephen Lawrence

How can lessons from the Lawrence case be applied to that of Oury Jalloh, who was burned to death in a German police cell seven years ago? Last Tuesday, here in the UK, two men were found guilty of the 1993 murder of Stephen Lawrence. This verdict, eighteen years in the making, gave the nation

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96 murders since Stephen Lawrence’s

The convictions of Gary Dobson and David Norris will be bitter-sweet vindication for the family of Stephen Lawrence who have fought an 18-year campaign for justice. No family has campaigned as this one – taking their own evidence to the police, bringing a private prosecution against the alleged killers, demanding and getting a public inquiry

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Cardiff cabbies to strike over violence

A mass strike is being threatened by Cardiff taxi drivers next week, in protest against the routine racism, abuse and violence that cabbies face and indifference by the police and local council. According to the chairman of the Cardiff Hackney Association (CHA), Mathab Khan, 731 CHA members could walk out next Friday, amid claims police

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Remembering the victims of Germany’s neo-Nazis

Silent protests to mourn the victims of the National Socialist Underground will be taking place across Germany. On 26 November, anti-fascists in at least eleven German cities (Berlin, Bielefeld, Cologne, Essen, Frankfurt, Görlitz, Hamburg, Hannover, Kiel, Munich and Nuremberg) will come together to mourn the ten (currently known) victims of the far-Right terror group, National

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