An evening with Liz Fekete on Racism and the New Right after Brexit

Join Liz Fekete, the director of the Institute of Race Relations to launch her new book Europe’s Fault Lines: Racism and the Rise of the Right. Tuesday 20 February 2018, 6.30-8.30pm Waterstones, The Grand Building, Trafalgar Square, London WC2N 5EJ Speakers: Liz Fekete is Director of the Institute of Race Relations, where she has worked for

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Human rights and asylum housing conference

South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group invites you to an ‘action day’ conference on human rights and asylum housing. Saturday 24 February 2018, 10.30-4 pm The Sanctuary, (opposite Crucible Theatre) Chapel Walk, Sheffield S1 2PD Speakers will include: Asylum tenants Journalists Housing researchers Academics Related links South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group View further details

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Calendar of racism and resistance (12 – 25 January 2018)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 11 January: Right to Remain publishes the latest version of its toolkit for understanding the UK asylum and immigration system, view online here.  11 January: The Habeas Corpus Project wins a judicial review and obtains

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Book launch and meeting in memoriam A. Sivanandan

Join Liz Fekete for the launch of her new book Europe’s Fault Lines: Racism and the Rise of the Right where she will be discussing the legacy of the late A. Sivanandan. Wednesday 7 February 2018, 6-8pm Manchester Central Library Performance Space 1, Central Library, St Peter’s Square, Manchester M2 5PD Related links Book a free ticket here Pre-order

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When Memory does NOT die

The legacy of A. Sivanandan, who passed away on 3 January, is being widely noted. The funeral will be small and private but a public memorial event will take place later this year. While the date and venue of the memorial has yet to be announced, the launch of Liz Fekete’s new book, Europe’s Fault

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Press Release

Reinforcing neoliberalism?

How, asks the January issue of Race & Class, are the principles of neoliberalism reinforced through the racial dimensions of governance, the criminal justice system and the media? Elizabeth Jones, assistant professor of Pan-African Studies at the University of Louisville, explores the prolific imposition of fines and fees on urban communities in the US for

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Stop deaths in detention

A national demonstration has been called after four deaths at Morton Hall detention centre. Saturday 20 January 2018 Morton Hall detention centre, Morton Hall Village, Swinderby, Lincoln LN6 9PT Related links Download a flyer here View further details on the event here South Yorkshire Migration and Asylum Action Group (SYMAAG)

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The first Stuart Hall public conversation

The first Stuart Hall Public Conversation bringing together writers, performers and artists for an afternoon of stimulating talks, readings and performances. Saturday 3 February 2018, 2pm Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL  Speakers and performers include: Mona Arshi David Edgar Pankaj Mishra Gilane Tawadros Lanre Malaolu Related links Stuart Hall Foundation View full details here

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Is the Era of Universal Human Rights Coming to an End?

Conor Gearty, Professor of Human Rights Law at LSE, will deliver the Corin Redgrave Memorial Lecture 2018. Saturday 27 January 2018, 2-4pm Conway Hall, 25 Red Lion Square, London WC1R 4RL Related links Book a ticket here Download a flyer here (pdf file, 53kb)

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