
We need to end racism now – period

A member of the Swedish anti-racist magazine MANA reflects on the challenges posed by Operation REVA. Asylum and migrants’ rights activists had been warning about the dangers posed by Operation REVA, the police operation to pursue, detain and deport undocumented migrants, ever since a pilot study was commissioned by the Swedish government in 2010. But

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Who polices the police?

A screening of Ken Fero’s film on Sean Rigg, who died in police custody, and his family’s struggle for justice. Friday 10 May 2013, 6-8pm Law Building, Moot Room, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA RELATED LINKS University of Liverpool School of Law and Justice Centre for Crime and Justice Studies View a trailer for

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Press Release

Europe’s pariah state? the future of human rights in Britain

This week, we publish a briefing paper on the future of human rights in Britain, written by the IRR’s vice-chair, Frances Webber. With nativism, racism and fascism on the rise throughout Europe, informing government policies towards migrants and other unpopular minorities as well as popular right-wing, anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim and anti-Roma movements, the European system of

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Deaths in immigration detention on the increase?

This year, two men have died following their detention in immigration removal centres near Heathrow, and another two people have died in hospital shortly after release from detention in 2012 and 2011. Two deaths of asylum seekers in the first three months of this year is a worrying development. In February 2013, 84-year-old Alois Dvorzac,

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Spotlight on far-right violence

An overview of racially motivated attacks perpetrated by members of the far-right and convictions over the last few months. Just a few months ago, two women in Plymouth were sentenced in February for their part in an EDL mob-attack which took place in 2011. The two were part of a group who attended an EDL

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Racist attack victim prosecuted

Last month, charges against Zulf Shah for actual bodily harm were thrown out of court for lack of evidence. Zulf was charged following a racist attack by a man and a woman, in which he was punched and kicked unconscious, and then repeatedly kicked as he lay on the ground. Before the assault, the man

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The far-Right in Liverpool: Anti-Irish racism

A meeting to discuss the commonalities and differences between anti-Irish racism and Islamophobia.  Wednesday 8 May 2013, 5-7pm Hearnshaw Lecture Theatre, Eleanor Rathbone Building, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA Speakers: Neil Doolin will talk about a new report released by Cairde na hÉireann (Liverpool Friends of Ireland) entitled: Under Pressure: A Report into Far-Right

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Extradited to a future of torture

The International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) is showing a film, The Worst of the Worst, on the impact of solitary detention. Thursday 16 May 2013, 6-9pm Room S-2.08, Strand Campus, King’s College London, London WC2R 2LS Speakers include: Tessa Murphy (Amnesty International) James Ridgeway and Jean Casella ( Hamja Ahsan (brother of Talha Ahsan) Related links To

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Press Release

Racial violence since the death of Stephen Lawrence

As the twentieth anniversary of the murder of Stephen Lawrence approaches, the IRR examines racial violence since his death in 1993. In the twenty years since the death of Stephen Lawrence, we can report that 106 people have lost their lives in (known or suspected) racist attacks – five per year on average, that black

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‘May we bring harmony’? Thatcher’s legacy on ‘race’

Cameron’s nativist policies begin with Thatcher. Thatcher’s attitude to foreigners can be summed up in two phrases: ‘people are really rather afraid that this country might be rather swamped by people with a different culture’ (January 1978) and the war cry ‘Sink the Belgrano’ (May 1983) over the Malvinas.  She was, without doubt, a xenophobe,

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