Press Release

Family struggles for justice

At a historic meeting organised by Race & Class and the LSE’s Mannheim Centre for Criminology, Phil Scraton discussed the Hillsborough disaster and black campaigners against deaths in police custody found common cause with the Hillsborough Family Support campaign. RELATED LINKS Buy a copy of October’s Race & Class, featuring Phil Scraton’s article on Hillsborough, here Race

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CPS Crisis

Demonstration against Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) inaction. This year there have been two damning unlawful killing verdicts into deaths in custody and still the CPS is procrastinating about whether to charge those involved. Friday 6 December 2013, 11-1pm Crown Prosecution Service, Rose Court, 2 Southwark Bridge, London SE1 9HS Related links Download a flyer (pdf

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FOI seminar

A ‘masterclass’ on the use of Freedom of Information (FOI) requests as a research method. Wednesday 4 December 2013, 1pm Seminar Room 10, Rendall Building, Bedford Street South, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA Speakers: Harmit Athwal – Institute of Race Relations Graham Smith – Information Commissioner’s Office David Whyte – University of Liverpool Stuart

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Press Release

Entering the anti-extremism debate

Today, the Institute of Race Relations (IRR) enters the debate on how best to combat extremism by publishing two thought provoking pieces on IRR News. Anti-racism and anti-fascism should be core values of a liberal and democratic society. But what if the contrary happens? What if anti-racism and anti-fascism are treated in policy and law

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Anti-extremism or anti-fascism?

Anti-extremism frameworks, popular in policy and academic circles, are masking the multi-dimensional and pan-European nature of contemporary fascism and the role of the state. Not since the early 1990s, and the pogroms at Hoyerswerda and Rostock have Europe’s far-right movements posed such a tangible threat to the safety of racial and religious minorities. In truth,

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Is anti-fascism being criminalised?

An activist comments on the implications of recent arrests of anti-fascists at demonstrations opposing the English Defence League and the British National Party. In the space of just over three months this year, police made upwards of 340 arrests of anti-fascists in London. Of the arrests made over two occasions, less than a dozen will

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Celebrating an anti-racist institute

A key session at an international conference in London at the beginning of November on ‘Making the world working class’ was devoted to the work of A. Sivanandan and his legacy in the ongoing work of the Institute of Race Relations. Activists and scholars, contributors and would-be contributors to Race & Class packed into a

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‘Groundings of the IRR’

Colin Prescod, the long-term Chair of the Institute of Race Relations, explains, in a speech to the Historical Materialism Conference, 2013, how, as a Black activist, academic, and film-maker, he gravitated to the IRR. We thought that it might be useful to this reflective forum if I spoke about ‘how and when’ I came to

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Rally for Ricky Bishop

A rally to demand justice for Ricky Bishop, who died in police custody in 2001. Saturday 23 November 2013, 1pm Brixton police station, 367 Brixton Road, London SW9 7DD RELATED LINKS Download a flyer here  

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Resisting injustice, recovering truth

A Race & Class meeting on Hillsborough and family campaigns for justice. Wednesday 27 November 2013, 7pm London School of Economics, Clements House (CLM 2.02, Second floor), Houghton Street, London WC2A 2A Main speaker: Phil Scraton – primary author of the Hillsborough Independent Panel Report Chaired by Robert Reiner – Professor of Criminology, Queens University

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