
UK deaths in custody families travel to the US

Last week families of those who have died in police custody  in the UK travelled to America for a week-long tour to meet families of those killed by the police in the US  to start a ‘global conversation on deaths in custody’. The families of Leon Patterson, Sean Rigg, Mark Duggan, and Kingsley Burrell, along

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Students not suspects tour

Meetings to talk about ‘resisting the impact of the Prevent duty, the curbing of our right to protest, police violence and deaths in custody. Wednesday 14 October  – Friday 23 October 2015 Locations across the UK Meetings: 14 October: King’s College London 15 October: University of Birmingham 16 October: Swansea University 21 October: Manchester Metropolitan

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Equality Rights – Where next?

The Discrimination Law Association 2015 annual conference. Monday 26 October 2015, 9.30-5.30pm Baker & McKenzie LLP, 100 New Bridge Street, London EC4V 6JA Speakers include: Judge Brian Doyle Sir Geoffrey Bindman QC Jenny Earle  Professor Anna Lawson Karon Monaghan QC Related links Discrimination Law Association Book here Further details of the event here Download a flyer here

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Black Lives Matter

A series of panels featuring activists and researchers will explore the roots, dynamics and possible futures of #BlackLivesMatter. Wednesday 28 October 2015, 9.30am – 5pm Nottingham Contemporary, The Space, Nottingham NG1 2GB The event includes:  A series of panels featuring activists and researchers An evening event (6.30 – 9.30pm) of Hip Hop performance and dialogue:   Akala Dr

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The story of the Mangrove 9

An event focusing on the story of the Mangrove 9, using original documents, eyewitness accounts from those who were there, and culminating in a spoken word workshop.  Saturday 21 November 2015, 2-6pm National Archives, Kew, London TW9 4DU RELATED LINKS National Archives Black Cultural Archives  

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Calendar of racism and resistance (4-24 September 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. IMMIGRATION AND ASYLUM 28 August: The Children’s Society publishes Not just a temporary fix: The search for durable solutions for separated migrant children. Download the report here. 4 September: One person is seriously injured attempting to escape a fire at an accommodation

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School governors and British Values

We reproduce here a ‘statement of concern'[1] issued by Robin Richardson of Insted Consultancy on ‘School Governors and British Values’ which also touches on the statutory duty to prevent violent extremism now placed on schools and other educational establishments. Summary 1. Several school governors or former school governors in Birmingham have recently received a letter from the

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Collusion and covert policing: colonial roots, contemporary issues

A Race & Class seminar on ‘Collusion and covert policing: colonial roots, contemporary issues’. Thursday 15 October 2015, 6-8pm Institute of Race Relations, 2-6 Leeke Street, London WC1X 9HS Professor Mark McGovern (Edge Hill University) will be discussing his work on the history of collusion in the context of contemporary developments in covert policing at a seminar to launch the October edition of Race & Class, leading

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Fundamental Rights Conference: A Public Law Perspective

A day of expert analysis and discussion. Saturday 10 October 2015, 9.45-5pm LSE New Academic Building, 54 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ Speakers include: Keynote Speaker: Lord Toulson – Justice of the Supreme Court Tom Royston – Barrister at Garden Court North Katherine Hill – Strategy Advisor on Equality and Human Rights for Age

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#Brixton30 – Remembering Cherry Groce

Join the family of Dorothy “Cherry” Groce, for the 30th commemoration of her shooting by the Metropolitan Police which led to the infamous 1985 Brixton uprisings. Saturday 3 October 2015, 5.30-9pm Block 336, 336 Brixton Road, London SW9 7AA Speakers and performers include: Linton Kwesi Johnson – poet Akala – Rapper & poet Stafford Scott

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