
Deaths with a (known or suspected) racial element 1991-1999

The IRR has, since 1991, been documenting murders with a suspected or known racial element.* This page lists murders from 1991-1999. Click here to read about murders from 2000 onwards with a suspected or known racial element. 1991, Bruce Bryan, 37, central London A father of two murdered in a street attack during which Bruce was

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Application to strike out Abdi Dorre case adjourned

The trial of the two defendants accused of the manslaughter of Abdi Dorre has been delayed today at Leicester Crown Court. The two defendants had sought to present an application to dismiss both cases, though this has now been delayed until early December 2002 to allow more time for their lawyers to present written arguments.

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Press Release

IRR expresses concern over excessive sentencing of Bradford rioters

The sentencing policy of the Bradford riot trials is meant to discipline an entire community, rather than reflect the severity of each individual’s actions. The riots that took place in Manningham, Bradford, over the weekend of 7 July, 2001, caused over a million pounds worth of damage and left hundreds of police officers injured. Over

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From Oldham to Bradford: the violence of the violated

From April to July 2001, the northern English towns of Oldham, Burnley and Bradford saw violent confrontations between young Asians and the police, culminating in the clashes of 7-9 July in Bradford in which 200 police officers were injured. The clashes were prompted by racist gangs attacking Asian communities and the failure of the police

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The summer of rebellion: special report

Youths in Burnley, Stoke, Leeds and Bradford have taken to the streets to defend their communities from racist violence. But it was in Oldham where rioting first erupted. CARF visited the town to report on a catalogue of police failures which never made it into the mainstream media, failures which led to the Asian rebellion

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The Terrorism Act – embracing tyranny

On Tuesday 8 May, a crowd of a thousand ruptured the quiet of the street in St James’ where the Home Office has its headquarters. With drumming, dancing and chanting, with banners and placards, T-shirts, stickers and traditional Kurdish or Kashmiri dress, the demonstrators proclaimed their defiance of the ban on the twenty-one organisations, support

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Racial motivation: now you see it, now you don’t

We thought that, at long last, we were seeing change in how the system deals with racist attacks. Macpherson’s recommendations, we were led to believe, had set in place a systematic process through which racist attacks would now be taken seriously by the police, Crown Prosecution Service and courts. But now a judge has called

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Prison for asylum seekers

The government has been drawing up secret plans to increase the numbers of asylum seekers held in prisons. With Ann Widdecombe proposing to lock up all refugees in what are euphemistically called ‘secure reception centres’, Jack Straw is responding with the promise of new immigration detention centres. But in the meantime he has ordered the

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Behind closed doors: racism in prisons and detention centres

While the existence of institutional racism may have been accepted theoretically by the authorities in the criminal justice system, those individuals who choose to stand up to daily racism, in either prisons, detention centres or asylum hostels do so at the risk of even more serious maltreatment. That was the picture which emerged at a

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Race investigations: the families’ perspective

On the face of it, it looks as though a lot has changed. More people appear to be reporting racial attacks, cases like that of Howard and Jason McGowan get on to the front pages of the national press, the new Racial and Violent Crimes Task Force has had a major success in the conviction

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