
Swiss campaign against double punishment

An interview with Heiner Busch, a migrants’ rights activist, who works in the secretariat of Solidarité sans Frontières (SoSF) in Berne and is engaged in the ‘Double no’ (2xNo) campaign. Frances Webber: In the UK, the debate about the rights of foreign national prisoners is getting more heated. Why did Swiss campaigners launch the ‘Double

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Press Release

The new geographies of racism: Plymouth

Research published today by the Institute of Race Relations investigates how geographies of racism throughout the UK are changing in a wider climate of economic austerity, shifting patterns of migration and settlement and against the backdrop of new forms of racism exacerbated by national policies. The IRR’s first investigation, part of an ongoing examination of

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Kingsley and Habib remembered

Two families will hold demonstrations this weekend following the deaths of loved ones in police custody. The first, on Saturday 2 July will see the family of 29-year-old Kingsley Burrell march in Birmingham voice their concerns over his death days after being sectioned under the Mental Health Act in April. The family will be joined

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Statewatching Europe

Next weekend, Statewatch, the renowned organisation that examines civil liberties and the state across Europe will be holding its twentieth anniversary conference. Statewatch, despite its small but committed staff, punches above its weight and is a consistent source of information on what the state and its agents are up to. It produces the Statewatch journal,

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Look beyond the headlines

Hertsmere Young Researchers’ Network, in advocating for young people, has produced first-rate research into the media portrayal of youth, gangs and knife crime. The National Youth Agency Young Researchers’ Network funded Hertsmere Borough Council to support a team of seven young people in Hertsmere, Hertfordshire, aged 14 to 19, to research a topic of their

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Heathrow death preventable?

Kirsten Heaven, a barrister at Garden Court Chambers, writes about the inquest into the death of Jianping Liu, who died at Heathrow airport hours after being released from police custody. Jianping Liu, a Chinese national had settled in the UK with her husband and died at Heathrow airport on 12 November 2009 after jumping from

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Death of Smiley Culture galvanises community

A week after Smiley Culture died following a police raid at his home on 15 March 2011 hundreds of people gathered in Brixton for a meeting organised by the family of the reggae artist. Smiley Culture (aka David Emmanuel) died from a stab wound following a dawn raid on his home in Warlingham, Surrey by

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A Mighty victory for FNPs

Two foreign national prisoners (FNPs), Kadian Mighty and Walumba Lumba, have won a significant victory for the rule of law in the Supreme Court. It has been a long struggle. Both men, ‘foreign national prisoners’, came to the end of prison sentences between March and June 2006 – and became embroiled in the fall-out from

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Detention by another name

Campaigners have issued a warning about another private company that is seeking to profit from the detention of asylum-seeking families which was meant to have ended. Earlier this week, it was revealed that plans had been submitted to Crawley Borough Council by the Home Office to convert a building in the area to detain asylum

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Where now for civil liberties?

In March, the IRR will be relaunching its popular lunchtime meetings with two highly topical discussions on civil liberties in the US and the UK. The first two meetings of the series are: The Obama administration and the ‘War Against Terrorism’, (Monday 7 March 2011, 1-2pm), Nancy Murray, director of education at the American Civil

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