Day of action against police brutality

An international day of action against police brutality. Friday 15 March 2013, 1-4pm West Midlands Police Headquarters, Lloyd House, Colmore Circus, Birmingham B4 6NQ Related links United Families and Friends Campaign BirminghamStrong Justice 4 All on Facebook See the event listing on Facebook

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When I thought all hope was lost, then came JENGbA

Below we reproduce a blog by an African-Caribbean mother who recounts the family nightmare of navigating the criminal justice system which was only relieved when she made contact with the campaigning organisation Joint Enterprise – Not Guilty by Association (JENGbA). The day was Thursday 13 December 2012. It was cold and windy. I had just

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Riots reframed

Performances, discussion and the debut screening of Riots reframed. Saturday 16 March 2013, 5.30pm Bethnal Green York Hall, 5 Old Ford Road, London E2 9PJ Programme includes: Riots Reframed screening Music Performances Guest speakers to be confirmed Q and A discussions RELATED LINKS Riots Reframed Bethnal Green York Hall

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Spotlight on racial violence: January-February 2013

An overview of racist attacks and convictions over the last two months. Last week David Cameron said he was ‘disturbed’ to hear that the proposed building of a small mosque in his Witney constituency had been cancelled as a result of racist threats to burn it down. It should not, however, have been that much

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Stopping the rise of fascism and racism

The Unite Against Fascism national conference. Saturday 2 March 2013, 10–5.30pm Congress Centre, TUC, Great Russell Street,
 London WC1B 3LS Speakers include: Ken Livingstone – Former Mayor of London and Honorary President UAF
 Diane Abbott MP Andy Slaughter MP Claude Moraes MEP Jeremy Corbyn MP Leslie Mercer – TUC President Christine Blower – NUT General

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Press Release

Facing up to racial violence

The IRR publishes a report today on how racial violence is shaping the UK. Racial violence: facing reality warns that attacks on BME individuals are actually spreading to new areas of the country, as under the impact of globalisation and austerity measures, populations swiftly change; and points to the potential dangers in ‘decanting’ those affected

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Shambolic and unworkable: outsourcing of court interpreting services

Aisha Maniar, a freelance legal translator and editor, reports on the recent privatisation of court interpretation services by the Ministry of Justice (MoJ). From schools and hospitals to the police force, almost all vital public services are affected by the current cuts and privatisation agenda. Often poorly thought through, many of these government programmes are

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Dublin refugee reception centre targeted

Since the start of the year, there have been at least four suspected racially motivated attacks on residents at the Balseskin reception centre for asylum seekers in the Finglas area of Dublin. The latest incidents occurred on 8-9 February. The Irish Refugee Council (IRC) has expressed concern about the institutional response to these attacks, stressing

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Liverpool’s Irish community under attack

A new report by an Irish community group based in Liverpool is a call for help against growing far-right and Loyalist attacks. In 2012, members of the far Right attacked three commemorative marches organised by the Liverpool Friends of Ireland and other Irish community groups. Among those taking to the streets in opposition were the

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Shadow Lives

A discussion about Victoria Brittain’s new book Shadow Lives: the forgotten women of the war on terror, about the impact on the wives and families of the men imprisoned at Guantánamo Bay. Tuesday 26 February 2013, 7pm London Review Bookshop, 14 Bury Place, London WC1A 2JL Speakers: Victoria Brittain – author of Shadow Lives: the

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