
33-year-old Pakistani man dies at Yarl’s Wood

On Monday 20 April, a man died at Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre (IRC) in Bedford, the third person to die there since it opened in November 2001.[1] The Guardian reported that the man died from a heart attack while being held in the family unit at Yarl’s Wood. Named as Pinakin Patel, the 33-year-old

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‘The time is here to be seized’

My conversation with Colin was recorded in 2011. But I have been given the chance to update some of those ideas for this event on 18 April 2015.  Neoliberalism is not working. All that stuff, about wealth trickling down, no society only individuals, the market as the regulator of everything, is shown to be false

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 March – 9 April 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Extreme-Right politics 29 March: In the second round of French local elections, the Front National wins 22 per cent of the vote, securing 62 council seats. (In 2011, it won just one.) However it failed to take control

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Immigration detention: signs of spring, or false dawn?

Campaigners have welcomed signs of movement around immigration detention – but celebration may be premature. In March 2015, the All-Party Parliamentary Groups (APPGs) on Refugees and Migration produced a strong report whose main recommendation, that immigration detention be severely curtailed and strictly time-limited, echoed the demands made for decades by detainee groups, campaigners and international

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Catch history on the wing, buy your advance copy now!

A new film of A. Sivanandan, in conversation with Colin Prescod, entitled Catching History on the Wing will have its premiere at an event on 18 April and copies are now available for sale.  A. Sivanandan is best known as a key thinker, writer and activist on racism and imperialism, the founder editor of Race

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Second inquest returns critical verdict on death of Habib Ullah

On 2 March, a second inquest recorded a critical misadventure and narrative verdict into the death of Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah on 3 July 2008, after being stopped  and forcefully searched by police in High Wycombe. The verdict marks seven years of campaigning by his family, who have consistently marked the anniversary of his death, every

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Press Release

Dying for Justice

On Monday 23 March 2015, the Institute of Race Relations published Dying for Justice which gives the  background on 509 people (an average of twenty-two per year) from BAME, refugee and migrant communities who have died between 1991-2014 in suspicious circumstances in which the police, prison authorities or immigration detention officers have been implicated.  It concludes

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Calendar of racism and resistance (27 February – 12 March 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum and migration 3 March: Serco suspends two staff members from Yarl’s Wood immigration removal centre after the showing of a Channel 4 film, made undercover, on the treatment of detainees which revealed what the shadow home secretary called

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Documenting casualisation

The TUC is seeking to interview black workers affected by the casualisation of the job market. Austerity measures affect the black community disproportionately and, just this week, figures were released which show that the number of young people from ethnic minority backgrounds, aged 16-24, that have been unemployed longer than a year has risen by

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JRCT: promoting peace, justice and equality

Below we reproduce a letter to the editor published in The Times, on 11 March 2015, in support of the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. Dear Sir, Charities like the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust (JRCT) frequently work in complex and difficult environments to promote peace, justice and equality. They succeed because of their expertise and integrity in navigating these

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