
Calendar of racism and resistance (4-16 October 2014)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees 6 October: Corporate Watch reveals that NHS England has awarded G4S a series of contracts worth some £23 million to run medical facilities at four immigration removal centres in the UK. (Corporate Watch, 6

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Calendar of racism and resistance (19 September-3 October)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting the key events in the UK and Europe. Asylum seekers and refugees September: The ECtHR rules that conditions for migrants detained in a number of Greek police stations and immigration detention centres are so bad that they amounted to inhuman and degrading treatment, in two

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Calendar of racism & resistance (27 August – 4 September 2014)

A calendar of stories from the last week. Asylum seekers & refugees 27 August 2014: Medical Justice has published a report: Biased and Unjust: The Immigration Detention Complaints Process, you can download it here (pdf file, 6.4mb). 29 August: 44-year-old Wadih Chourey, who has Down’s syndrome, faces deportation to Lebanon after the Home Office refused

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Deaths in immigration detention: 1989-2017

Below we list all deaths that have taken place in immigration removal and short-term holding centres since 1989; we also list those who have died shortly after release from immigration detention. There have been thirty-four deaths in immigration removal centres since 1989; three women and the rest men. Harmondsworth detention centre accounts for nine deaths; five

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Framing the death of Mark Duggan

As the family of Mark Duggan launch a judicial review of the inquest verdict, IRR News examines the wider context of the death. On 4 August 2011, Mark Duggan got out of a taxi on Ferry Lane in Tottenham and was shot dead by armed police: within hours, stories about a dramatic ‘shootout’, a ‘violent

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Call for end to CPS inaction

Last week families and campaigners demanded an end to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) inaction over deaths in custody cases. The demonstration was called by the United Families and Friends Campaign and Stop G4S because of procrastination about whether to charge those involved in the deaths of Azelle Rodney and Jimmy Mubenga. Damning unlawful killing verdicts were

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Manchester: death in immigration detention

Tahir Mehmood, a 43-year-old Pakistani man, has died in Pennine House, a short-term holding facility near Manchester airport. A typically terse statement from the Home Office reveals: ‘A 43-year-old man from Pakistan died in Pennine House short term holding facility and his death has been reported to the police and the coroner. The family of

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Liverpool’s Irish community under attack

A new report by an Irish community group based in Liverpool is a call for help against growing far-right and Loyalist attacks. In 2012, members of the far Right attacked three commemorative marches organised by the Liverpool Friends of Ireland and other Irish community groups. Among those taking to the streets in opposition were the

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Dialogue with young people in and leaving care

The Care Leavers’ Association is holding a ground-breaking conference for young people from BME backgrounds about the care system and the issues facing young people in and leaving care. Beginning with the question, ‘How does the care system need to change so that young people get the childhood chances they deserve?’ the Care Leavers’ Association

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Campaigning victory for Sukula famliy

Three years after contacting IRR News and launching their anti-deportation campaign, the Sukula family have won indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Daniel Sukula, then aged 15 and living in Bolton, wrote to IRR News in 2005 telling of his fears of being deported. ‘I am writing this because me and my family face

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