The Meaning of Waiting

Victoria Brittain will be talking about her play ‘The Meaning of Waiting’ about the experience of women of the war on terror in Britain. Tuesday 13 December 2011, 6.30-8.30pm IHRC Bookshop, Gallery and Information Centre, 202 Preston Road, Wembley HA9 8PA Related links Islamic Human Rights Commission (IHRC)

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Blue plaque for Frank Crichlow

A blue plaque will be placed for community activist Frank Crichlow at the former site of the Mangrove restaurant. Sunday 4 December 2011, 1pm 8 All Saints Road, London W11 1HH The unveiling will include past friends and colleagues including the Crichlow Family, His Excellency Garvin Nicholas, Dr Gus John, Darcus Howe, Mayor Julie Mills,

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Calais Migrant Solidarity info nights

Updates on the current situation with No Borders in Calais and the future of the project. Friday 2 December 2011, 5pm at the Bloomsbury Social Centre, 53 Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD Saturday 3 December 2011, 6.30pm at the Bank of Ideas, Sun Street, London EC2M 2PT Info nights include: Updates on the situation in

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Social exclusion in BME and migrant communities

A conference on ‘Social exclusion in BME and migrant communities: How is the UK meeting its European obligations?’ Thursday 1 December 2011, 9.30-2pm Europe House, 32 Smith Square, London SW1P 3EU Speakers includes: Juliana Santos Wahlgren – European Network Against Racism Elizabeth Henry – Race on the Agenda Patrick Vernon – Afiya Trust Fizza Qureshi

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Staging black radicalism

A public lecture with Professor Cedric Robinson, author of ‘Black Marxism: the Making of the Black Radical Tradition’ and a long-standing member of the Race & Class editorial working committee. Tuesday 29 November 2011, 6.30pm Queen Mary, University of London, Art Two Lecture Theatre, Mile End Campus, London E1 4NS Speaker: Professor Cedric Robinson –

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Lethal detention and deportation conditions

A meeting on deaths and near-deaths in immigration detention and during deportation. Monday 28 November 2011, 6.30-8.30pm Portcullis House, London SW1A 2LW Speakers: Jeremy Corbyn MP – Chair Mr WS – ex-detainee Dr Ben Robinson – Medical Justice Mark Scott – Bhatt Murphy Solicitors Adrienne Makenda Kambana – widow of Jimmy Mubenga Deborah Coles –

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