Vigil for Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah & Philmore Mills

A joint candlelit vigil for Habib ‘Paps’ Ullah and Philmore Mills who both died after being arrested and restrained by police. Thursday 27 December 2012, 5-7:30pm Slough Police Station, Windsor Road, Slough Berkshire SL1 2HH The family of Philmore Mills will be marking the first anniversary of their father’s death in Wexham Park Hospital on

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From despair comes resistance

Asylum-seekers and migrants across Europe are determined to change the inhuman circumstances of their existence. In his new book Fortress Europe: dispatches from a gated continent, journalist Matthew Carr describes a protest in Lombardy in which five migrants climbed to the top of a crane above Brescia’s new light railway line. ‘For seventeen days they

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Medical Justice festive dinner

An evening with doctors, lawyers, campaigners and ex-detainees. Wednesday 5 December 2012, 6.45pm Andover Estate Community Centre, Andover Estate, Finsbury Park, London N7 7RY. RELATED LINKS Medical Justice

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Cartoon and article deemed racist by NGO

Below we reproduce a letter from the editor of the Travellers’ Times  to the Metro newspaper on a recent racist article and cartoon on Gypsies. ‘Presumably you expected Richard Herring’s piece ’Beware the gipsy (sic) curse‘ (Metro, 9 November 2012) to raise cheap laughs, but we Romany Gypsies, and those who work with us, would

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The struggle for family and private life in the UK

A training day to explore how unity can be built with those fighting for leave to remain, or those who have just been granted status, to challenge the austerity measures. Saturday 24 November 2012, 10-3.30pm The Friends Meeting House, 6 The Friars, Canterbury, Kent CT1 2AS Speakers: Sheona York – Kent Law Clinic Shanti Haft

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Shadow Lives

A lecture based on the forthcoming book by Victoria Brittain, Shadow Lives: the Forgotten Women of the War on Terror. Friday 23 November 2012, 6.30pm The Institute of Psychoanalysis, Byron House, 112A Shirland Road, London W9 2EQ Speaker: Victoria Brittain – journalist and author of Shadow Lives: the Forgotten Women of the War on Terror

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Justice and Security Bill: covering up state crimes

A meeting on secret evidence, closed courts and the Justice and Security Bill. Wednesday 21 November 2012, 6.30-8.30pm Garden Court Chambers, 57-60 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3LJ Speakers: Chaired by Louise Christian – civil liberties and human rights lawyer Dinah Rose QC – Blackstone Chambers Richard Norton-Taylor – journalist and writer Clare Algar –

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Another death at Harmondsworth

On 30 October, a man was found dead at Harmondsworth removal centre in west London. The deceased has been named as 31-year-old Prince Kwabena Fosu from Ghana. The Home Office released a one-sentence statement and refused to answer any questions: ‘This death is being investigated so it would be inappropriate to comment at this stage. We will

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Azelle Rodney Inquiry

This week, the Azelle Rodney Inquiry heard from the police officer, known only as E7, who had shot 24-year-old Azelle six times, (including twice in the head), as he sat in the back of a car in Edgware, north London in April 2005. Echo 7/E7, now retired, told the inquiry that he had also killed

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