Concert to celebrate survival and hope

A concert and fundraising event for the Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile.  Friday 17 July 2015, 7.30pm Concert Hall, Stoke Newington School, Clissold Road, London N16 9EX Related links Baobab Centre for Young Survivors in Exile  

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Get Up, Stand Up! Racial equality and anti-racism

A series of debates and lectures as part of a collaborative project between New Art Exchange and NCCL exploring notions of international civil rights.  Thursday 9 July 2015, 6-8pm New Art Exchange, 39-41 Gregory Boulevard, Nottingham NG7 6BE Participants include: Jagdish Patel – The Monitoring Group Janna Graham – Centre for Research in Race and Rights,

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Audio & Video

Sivanandan’s April 2015 postscript

A. Sivanandan updates his thinking on globalisation, impact of the market state and the stirrings of rebellion. ‘The spaces are there for us to fight back in, and the time is here to be seized’. RELATED LINKS Read about the event here

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the future

Session three of of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The future: Building on communities of dissent: premiere of film Catching History on the Wing: a conversation with A Sivanandan followed by audience/panel interaction led by Suresh Grover (The Monitoring Group) and Phil Miller (Corporate Watch), moderated

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Audio & Video

Catching history on the wing: the past

Session one of an event celebrating the work of the Institute of Race Relations on 18 April 2015. The past: Thinking in order to do – an audio interview ‘On lived theory’ with A. Sivanandan; discussion with Colin Prescod and Jenny Bourne about the IRR’s historic struggle, followed by contributions from the floor. Related links Read

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Family migration day of action

A day of activities and actions on the third anniversary of the family migration rules. Thursday 9 July 2015, 11am 11am-1pm: Meeting in Houses of Parliament (Westminster, London SW1A 0AA), Committee Room 9, hosted by Migrants Rights Network 2-3pm: Rally outside the Home Office (2 Marsham Street, London SW1P 4DF) organised by Divided Families 3pm: Lunch and drinks at

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‘Hell is a very small place’

Below we reproduce an interview with Jean Casella from the US-based Solitary Watch by Luk Vervaet, first published on his blog. Although solitary confinement is not used as frequently as in the US, the UK has four close supervision centres.[1] A recent Prisons & Probation Ombudsman report highlighted the high number of suicides of those prisoners held in

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The Dublin Pitfall

A screening of The Dublin Pitfall by Rime El Jadid, a documentary addressing the consequences of the Dublin Regulation on Syrian refugees in Europe.  Wednesday 17 June 2015, 7-9.30pm Human Rights Action Centre, 25 New Inn Yard, London EC2A 3EA Speakers include: Maurice Wren – Head of the Refugee Council Ghias Aljundi – Syrian Human Rights Consultant

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Institutionalised Racism in Europe, Dead Bodies, and the State

A public meeting on the the NSU trial in Germany, the Roma killings in Hungary and beyond. Friday 5 June 2015, 6-7.30pm Room 226, Oktober 6 u. 7, School of Public Policy at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary Panelists include: Liz Fekete – London-based director of the Institute of Race Relations and head of its European research programme

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Race & Class radio: crime and punishment

The latest Race & Class radio is now online. The latest broadcast of Race & Class Radio is a two-part show, featuring contributors to the January 2015 issue, Victoria Brittain and Eddie Bruce-Jones. Victoria Brittain discusses the legacy of Ken Saro-Wiwa, executed along with the Ogoni Eight in 1995 by the Nigerian state after a protracted struggle

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