Crude killings

A discussion, performance and the book launch of The Oil Road. Wednesday 28 November 2012, 6pm Anthony Burgess Foundation, 3 Cambridge Street, Engine House, Manchester M1 5BY Panel discussion: James Marriot – Platform & co-author of The Oil Road Anna Galkina – Platform Jaya Graves – Southern Voices Deyika Nzeribe – Hulme Green Party Marc

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‘Ghosts’ screening

A screening of Nick Broomfield’s documentary, Ghosts, followed by talks and discussion, as part of Liverpool Radical Film Festival. Friday 12 October 2012, 4pm Hearnshaw Lecture Theatre, Eleanor Rathbone Building, University of Liverpool, Liverpool L69 7ZA Speakers: Jon Burnett – Institute of Race Relations Margaret McAdam – Merseyside Refugee Support Network and No One is

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Jazz and the real world

A discussion with Chris Searle around how jazz musicians have connected with movements for social change. Wednesday 18 July 2012, 6-7.30pm Band on the Wall, 25 Swan Street, The Northern Quarter, Manchester M4 5JZ Related Links Manchester Jazz Festival 2012

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Uncaged birds: justice and jazz, then and now

A musically illustrated discussion about the relationships between Jazz, Black history and racism. Tuesday 17 July 2012, 6-8pm Matt and Phreds Jazz Club, 64 Tib Street, Manchester M4 1LN Related links Uncaged Birds Manchester Jazz Festival 2012

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Hope and resilience for refugees and asylum seekers

A conference to mark national refugee week, exploring fostering resilience by emphasising human rights. Tuesday 19 June 2012, 9-4.30pm Peter Williams Lecture Theatre, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH Speakers include: Shami Chakrabarti – Liberty Taiwo Afuape – Clinical psychologist Matt Carr – Author of Fortress Europe: Dispatches from a Gated Continent Nazek Ramadan –

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The AGM of Manchester based Refugee and Asylum Seeker Participatory Action Research (RAPAR). Friday 18 May 2012, 6pm Friends Meeting House, Room 1, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS  Related links RAPAR

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Europe in lockdown

Migreurop, a coalition of organisations from thirteen European, African and Middle Eastern countries, has produced an extremely useful and powerful report which describes in detail ways in which the policy of preventing the entry of undocumented migrants is implemented. The first part of At the margins of Europe: the externalisation of migration controls, looks at

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The big society: the good, the bad and the unequal?

A conference to critique the big society and suggest solutions to challenges facing society. Wednesday 29 February 2012, 11-4pm The Midland Hotel, Forster Square, Bradford BD1 4HU Speakers: Ed Cox – IPPR Rob Berkeley – Runnymede Trust Anna Coote – New Economic Foundation Toby Blume – Urban Forum Related links Download a flyer (pdf file,

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Climate violence, history and resistance

A workshop examining climate change and how ideas around race and displacement inform understanding and action. Saturday 21 January 2011, 1-3.45pm Hulme Hall, Claremont Resource Centre, Rolls Crescent, Hulme, Manchester M15 5FS Speaker: Kooj Chuhan Related links Southern Voices

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