The Routes to Solidarity’s annual conference to promote migrant and minority women’s activism. Thursday 26 June 2014, 10.30-3.30pm Bangladesh Community Centre, Roundhay Road Oakwood, Leeds, LS8 4AR Workshops: Campaigning skills – how to make your campaign loud, proud and effective! A showcase of an important current campaign and what you can do. Using the Convention
Geography: North-West England
Nana Bonsu oral history project
Launch of the new Nana Bonsu Oral History project to remember the Manchester activist. Saturday 21 June 2014, 5-9pm Z-arts, 335 Stretford Road, Hulme, Manchester M15 5ZA Nana Bonsu, also known as Beresford ‘Berry’ Edwards, was of huge importance to Britain’s African community, especially in Manchester which became his home. This oral history project highlights
No One Is Illegal
A No One Is Illegal meeting on immigration controls. Saturday 14 June 2014, 1-5pm Peoples Museum, Left Bank, Spinning Fields, Manchester M3 3ER Related Links No One Is Illegal
TUC ‘migration messaging’ workshops
The Trades Union Congress and Migrant Voice are running a series workshops on migration. Saturday 28 June 2014, 10-5pm – Manchester Wednesday 2 July 2014, 10-5pm – Southampton Saturday 12 July 2014, 10-5pm – Corby Related links Migrants’ Rights Network TUC
When the state is complicit in hate
Racist violence in Europe is sustained by cultures of impunity, as reports by Amnesty International, and Médecins du Monde and the Greek Council for Refugees make clear. Two reports published last month document in harrowing detail the reality and impact of racist violence across Europe, as well as its intensification against a backdrop of economic
Deaths in immigration detention: 1989-2017
Below we list all deaths that have taken place in immigration removal and short-term holding centres since 1989; we also list those who have died shortly after release from immigration detention. There have been thirty-four deaths in immigration removal centres since 1989; three women and the rest men. Harmondsworth detention centre accounts for nine deaths; five
Workshops on tackling forced labour
A series of workshops in May 2014, tackling labour exploitation among refugees and asylum seekers in the UK. Manchester – Tuesday 15 May 2014, 10-3pm Leeds – Tuesday 20 May 2014, 10-3pm London – Friday 23 may 2014, 9.30-2.30pm Related links Precarious Lives
Right to Remain campaign training and launch event
Interactive training on the right to remain followed by the organisation’s launch event. Friday 16 May 2014, 12-4pm Lesbian and Gay Foundation, 5 Richmond Street, Manchester M1 3HF Workshops include: Effective campaigning strategies Public and non-public campaigning Campaigning and the legal process Building campiagns Followed by Right to Remain launch event, 4-6pm. RELATED LINKS Right
Establishing a framework for understanding the rise of fascism
A review of a report on the extent of Golden Dawn’s penetration of the Greek state. An excellent free downloadable report published by the Rosa Luxemburg Foundation is not only an essential primer for understanding the parliamentary rise of the neo-nazi criminal organisation Golden Dawn (GD), but a much-needed corrective to academic fashions that see
Framing the death of Mark Duggan
As the family of Mark Duggan launch a judicial review of the inquest verdict, IRR News examines the wider context of the death. On 4 August 2011, Mark Duggan got out of a taxi on Ferry Lane in Tottenham and was shot dead by armed police: within hours, stories about a dramatic ‘shootout’, a ‘violent