
IRR books on special offer

The IRR is selling off remaindered copies of books it published (with the Oxford University Press) between 1958 and 1975, many of which are out of print. If there are particular titles you would like to get hold of contact and we will let you know if we can supply them and at what

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Dangerous associations: Joint enterprise, gangs and racism

Meetings in Manchester and Tottenham to launch a new report on Joint Enterprise convictions. Monday 25 January 2016 8.30-10am, Friends’ Meeting House, 6 Mount Street, Manchester M2 5NS 7-8.30pm, North London Community House, Moorefield Road, Tottenham, London N17 6PY Speakers include: Report authors Becky Clarke and Patrick Williams (Manchester Metropolitan University) Stafford Scott (Tottenham Rights) Related links JENGbA

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Migrants Welcome

A demonstration in Calais in support of migrants as simultaneous demonstrations take place in Greece against the construction of a wall in Evros at the Greek-Turkish border. Saturday 23 January 2016 Calais Related links Further information in French

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Calendar of racism and resistance (4-17 December 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing & criminal justice 3 December: Babacar Guèye, a 27-year-old Senegalese man, dies after being shot five times by a police officer in Rennes in north-west France. Guèye attempted to self-harm with a bread knife before his friend

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Calendar of racism and resistance 2015

A reference tool for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe in 2015. POLICING AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE 11 January: Campaign groups Justice 4 Leon and the Faruk Ali Justice Campaign march together through Luton to show a ‘united front’, demanding justice for Leon Briggs and Faruk Ali. (Luton on Sunday, 11 January

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Calendar of racism and resistance (20 November – 3 December 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing and criminal justice 20 November: The House of Commons Justice Committee recommends the scrapping of the criminal courts charge in its report: Criminal courts charge. Second Report of Session 2015–16. Download it here. 23 November: The Centre for

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Donald Kenrick, 1929 – 2015

Marc Willers QC, remembers one of the UK’s foremost authorities on Romani Studies and campaigner for Gypsy rights. It was with great sadness that I learnt that Dr Donald Kenrick had recently passed away. I first met Donald over twenty years ago, whilst he was acting as an unqualified planning consultant for a Romani Gypsy

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Calendar of racism and resistance (6 – 19 November 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Policing and criminal justice  5 November: Ropinder Singh calls for an inquiry into a protest outside the Indian High Commission after he was arrested and allegedly had his turban grabbed and thrown to the ground; fifteen others were

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Migrant journeys: respecting the dead

An interview with Catriona Jarvis, former judge of the United Kingdom Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber), and now a writer/ activist on human rights initiatives.  Frances Webber: You have recently become involved in demanding a European-wide system for registering deaths at the borders, identifying bodies, notifying relatives and facilitating entry for burial. How did

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Solidarity and the 1984-85 Miner’s Strike Exhibition

An exhibition by the TUC Library Collections and London Metropolitan University commemorating the British miner’s strike of 1984. Monday 23 November 2015, 5-7.30 pm London Metropolitan University, Goulston Street, London E1 7TP Speakers Mike Jackson – Vice Chancellor of Lesbians and Gays Support the Miners Hywel Francis – Author and retired MP Related links TUC

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