Register of Racism and Resistance (RRR)


Welcome to the IRR’s Register of Racism and Resistance (RRR). Here you will find archived calendar entries dating back to 2014. Use the filtered search functions in the right sidebar or simply type a keyword, place or name into the search box below.

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Universities urged to stop threatening staff and students protesting Israel’s genocide in Gaza
21 June 24
As research shows that British universities collectively invest nearly £430 million in companies ‘complicit in Israeli violations of international law’, the PSC calls on universities to stop threatening staff and students protesting against Israeli’s genocide in Gaza.
Source: Morning Star
Country: UK
Original calendar

UK: LSE becomes first British university to evict pro-Palestine student encampment
17 June 24
The LSE evicts a pro-Palestine occupation after a court approves an interim possession order. The encampment was also in support of Palestinian student Amena al-Ashkar, who was denied a visa to study for his doctorate.
Source: Middle East Eye
Country: UK
Original calendar

Schools making cutbacks to support children in poverty
17 June 24
A report by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation on ‘hardship’ amongst primary school pupils shows that the issue of pupils going without essentials has significantly worsened over the last two years. Schools have cut back on enrichment activities to create new jobs ‘specifically to respond to…hardship’, while 38 per cent of staff say they ‘provide for pupils and families out of their own pocket’.
Source: TES
Country: UK
Original calendar

Embracing difference ending bullying: Research and Impact report 2024
12 June 24
A three-year DfE-funded study on bullying in schools reveals that 26 per cent of secondary school pupils from minority ethnic backgrounds ‘agree that bullying takes place related to race or ethnicity’.
Source: Diversity Role Models
Country: UK
Original calendar

SOAS, UCL students demand unis reverse suspension of pro-Palestinian activists
12 June 24
Students from SOAS and UCL, supported by staff and alumni, demonstrate in London and call on their universities to reinstate students who have been suspended, without transparency or due process, for taking part in pro-Palestine protests.
Source: Middle East Monitor
Country: UK
Original calendar

Against academic freedom: German Ministry led by Liberals wanted to withdraw funding from scientists
11 June 24
An investigation by ARD magazine programme Panorama finds that the German Ministry of Education considered sanctions, including cancelling funding, against hundreds of academics who signed an open letter protesting the police eviction of a pro-Palestinian occupation at Berlin’s Free University.
Source: Digit Site 36
Country: Germany
Original calendar

Academics launch survey on campus antisemitism
6 June 24
An online survey organised by the Union of Jewish Students and the Intra-Communal Professorial Group asks students about experiences of campus antisemitism since 7 October to help universities ‘decide how to respond’.
Source: Jewish Chronicle
Country: UK
Original calendar

Next government ‘faces persistent education inequalities’
6 June 24
Research by the Institute of Fiscal Studies shows ‘significant inequalities at all stages of education’ in England. At GCSE, ‘just 43 percent of 16-year-olds eligible for free school meals achieved a grade 4 or higher in maths and English in 2023, compared with 72 percent of their better-off peers.’
Source: TES
Country: Scotland
Original calendar

Sharp rise in alternative provision pupil numbers, data shows
6 June 24
The government’ s annual data on school student numbers and characteristics show increases in students educated in Alternative Provision (AP), with rises of 20 percent in state-funded AP, 16.5 percent in non-state funded AP and a further 11,065 pupils with dual registration. 55 percent of pupils in these placements were eligible for free school meals, compared to 24.6 percent for all school pupils.
Source: TES
Country: UK
Original calendar

Number of students flagged for extremist views rises by half
5 June 24
Data from the Office for Students reveals that, following higher education referrals, the number of students flagged under the Prevent programme has risen by 50 percent in two years (from 165 to 210 cases). ‘Mixed, unclear or unstable’ ideologies (including incels and conspiracy theorists) represents the biggest increase.
Source: Guardian
Country: UK
Original calendar

UKRI panel chair Kamna Patel resigns over handling of Donelan accusations
3 June 24
Kamna Patel resigns as chair of the UK Research and Innovation Equality Advisory Group, saying she was ‘offered no apology’ for being subjected to an investigation following ‘spurious’ allegations of extremist views by science secretary Michelle Donelan. She says changes to the Expert Advisory Group’s terms of reference place ‘mollifying politicians’ above the interests of the research community.
Source: THE
Country: UK
Original calendar

General election 2024: Behaviour tsar urges alternative provision increase
31 May 24
Tom Bennett, the ‘national behaviour tsar’, urges the next government to commit to a ‘massive reinvestment in the alternative provision estate’ and ‘an expansion of AP mainstream provision for children with borderline mainstream needs’.
Source: TES
Country: UK
Original calendar

Finland’s fee hike for non-European students ‘paradoxical’
30 May 24
The Finnish government announces plans to charge university students from outside Europe ‘the full cost of their tuition if it is taught in a language other than Finnish or Swedish’.
Source: THE
Country: Finland
Original calendar

UCU conferences cancelled as union staff strike
30 May 24
University College Union staff hold a one-day strike over the failure to resolve long-standing issues in the union, including ‘workplace racism’ in the ‘disproportionate’ use of disciplinary procedures.
Source: THE
Country: UK
Original calendar

Graduate route spared under new UK student visa rules
27 May 24
The government announces ‘tougher compliance standards’ for higher education institutions recruiting overseas students, including the potential loss of the sponsor license for those who fail to comply, but says it will keep the graduate visa.
Source: THE
Country: EU
Original calendar