News Service


Calendar of racism and resistance (17 – 30 July 2015)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. Violence and harassment 17 July: Nearly 100 refugees are evacuated from Quinto di Treviso, Italy, after two days of protests that saw local residents and members of the far-right Casa Pound storm the refugees’ accommodation and set fire to

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Deaths in custody news round-up

The last month has seen a number of developments in relation to deaths in custody: a misconduct hearing, the ten-year anniversary of the death of Jean Charles de Menezes, an inquest, new deaths in custody and a new government ‘review’ of deaths in police custody. Jean Charles de Menezes remembered  On 22 July, the family of

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Justice for Sheku Bayoh campaign launch

On 25 July, the campaign for justice for Sheku Bayoh, who died after an incident with police, was launched in Glasgow.  At the event organised by Scotland Against Criminalising Communities (SACC), a press conference was held, followed by a conference with the families of those who have also lost loved ones through a death in police

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Charlie Hebdo backlash – the unredacted story

A new report by Le Collectif Contre l’Islamophobie en France (CCIF) documents the intensification of violence against Muslims following the Paris attacks in January 2015. After the terrorist attacks earlier this year in France – in which eleven staff at the magazine Charlie Hebdo were gunned down, a police officer outside was killed, another police officer killed

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Burgenland’s ‘red-blue’ coalition of shame

The Labour Party is debating how to win back votes from UKIP. Meanwhile, in Austria, the Burgenland Social Democrats have set a worrying precedent, entering into a coalition with the extreme Right in the provincial legislative assembly. The Burgenland Social Democrats have entered into a coalition with the extreme-right Freedom Party (FPÖ). The shocking news

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Preserving Britain’s Black heroes

Below we reproduce a review of a new exhibition, ‘No Colour Bar’, which was previously published in The Voice. A new exhibition breathes life into a story of struggle and activism that is truly home-grown. We often view Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King and Malcolm X as having ascended the mountain-top of black achievement and activism.

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Inquiring into police accountability and spying on family campaigns

On 16 July, the Home Office announced an inquiry into undercover police spies and their activities monitoring family campaigns and spying on protestors. Below we produce a statement by The Monitoring Group[1] which has been supporting some of the families whose campaigns were infiltrated by the police. The Monitoring Group welcomes the spirit and substance

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IRR News 3 – 16 July 2015

Dear IRR News subscriber, The iniquities of the criminal justice and immigration systems are examined in detail this week, from deaths in custody to the ‘fast-tracking’ of asylum seekers. Jenny Bourne looks at the recent not guilty verdict in the trial of ex-police officer Anthony Long for the murder of Azelle Rodney, the first prosecution

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Joint enterprise in action

Below we reproduce an article written by trainee barrister, Josh Radcliffe, on a recent joint enterprise trial observed at Birmingham Crown Court. To the casual visitor to Birmingham’s court twelve on any given day between early January and the end of April 2015, the importance of the proceedings taking place would likely be lost. First appearances

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Eat together, fight together, remember together

Solidarity also means remembering.  A few weekends ago, I attended an ‘Eat Together, Fight Together’[1] picnic at Burgess Park in south London organised by the London Campaign Against Police and State Violence and Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth. Campaigners and activists enjoyed the sun, good food and conversation in a gathering not fraught with political imperatives

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