News Service


Calendar of racism and resistance (3 – 21 April 2019)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP ASYLUM AND MIGRANT RIGHTS 15 April: A BBC Newsnight investigation uncovers 90 cases in which Home Officials have been wrongly classified child asylum seekers as adults, denying them the support they are legally owed.

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Press Release

European governments’ targeting of migrant solidarity activists for prosecution must stop, says IRR

The Institute of Race Relations (IRR) publishes today a compelling new report on ‘crimes of solidarity’, drawing attention to a dramatic increase in prosecutions, restrictions and penalties, against a variety of civil society actors. The online publication of When Witnesses Won’t be Silenced: citizens’ solidarity and criminalisation comes just days after the Global Legal Action

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IRR News (20 March – 2 April 2019)

Dear IRR News subscriber, Amidst the chaos of Brexit, Home Secretary Sajid Javid found time to announce a plan to relax restrictions on the use of section 60 of the 1994 Police and Criminal Evidence Act (PACE) so as to make it easier for police to stop and search anyone in a specific area if

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Fighting Sus! then and now

A new project Fighting Sus! brings the youth experience of racialised policing to the fore. In Fighting Sus! a group of young people engage with past struggles against racist state violence and, with angry intelligence and politicised creativity, range themselves against its present manifestations. Developed during 2018, this grassroots history project began with a handful

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Promises, promises – justice for Grenfell?

Justice for Grenfell graffiti on a brick wall.

Colin Prescod, chair of IRR, writes on the launch of the Equalities and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) report into Grenfell and the continuing wait for justice. Twenty-one months on from the disaster that was visited on their community, Grenfell people still wait for justice. On 13 March 2019 the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC)

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Calendar of racism and resistance (20 March – 2 April 2019)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP ASYLUM AND MIGRANT RIGHTS 20 March: The MP for Sheffield Central, Paul Blomfield, writes to immigration minister Caroline Nokes raising concerns that the Home Office may have acted illegally when it invited a Zimbabwean

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Press Release

Resisting the new colonialisms

The April 2019 issue of Race & Class shows how the reinvention of colonialism through the domination of digital technology and transnational flows of securitisation is being met by unique forms of resistance. ‘Today, a new form of corporate colonisation is taking place’, argues Michael Kwet, ‘Instead of the conquest of land, Big tech corporations

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IRR News (6 – 19 March 2019)

Dear IRR News subscriber, This has been a devastating week, with the massacre of fifty Muslim worshippers and the injuring of fifty more at the Al Noor mosque and Linwood Islamic Centre in Christchurch, New Zealand. In a nationwide and inter-cultural response that has been heart-rending, New Zealanders have performed the traditional ceremonial Maori ‘Haka’

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The Christchurch massacre – implications and developments

The terrible events in Christchurch, New Zealand, which left fifty people dead and fifty people injured, reverberated across the UK. Below we provide a round-up of the most important developments, drawing particular attention to criticism of the media, online posts in support of the perpetrator and attacks on Muslims across the UK. We also draw

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