News Service


Sink Without Trace: migrant deaths in the Mediterranean

An exhibition that bears witness to migrant deaths in the Mediterranean challenges us to confront the UK’s complicity in Europe’s war on asylum. Two image-events bookended Refugee Week 2019. The first was artist-provocateur Christoph Büchel’s ‘installation’ of the migrant shipwreck known as The Boat of Innocents in Venice’s Arsenale. Rechristening it Barca Nostra (Our Boat) was

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BAME women fight to retain refuge

In a major blow for one of the few BAME women-led organisations left in the UK, Newham council has decommissioned London Black Women’s Project’s refuges for BAME women escaping violence. With one in four women in the UK experiencing domestic violence in the course of a lifetime, the scale of violence against women in the

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (19 June – 2 July 2019)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP  ASYLUM AND MIGRANT RIGHTS  19 June: The Supreme Court rules that the Home Office acted illegally in requiring EU citizens from eastern Europe to register after 2009 to have residence rights, making hundreds of

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IRR News (5 – 18 June 2019)

Dear IRR News subscriber, This week marks the second anniversary of the Grenfell Tower Fire which claimed seventy-two lives and displaced and traumatised hundreds of others. As we report in our regular calendar of racism and resistance, the occasion was marked by Grenfell United, which represents the survivors and bereaved, by the projected illuminations of

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Enforcing Belonging – racial violence and the far Right

On the third anniversary of the death of Jo Cox, the IRR reports on racist violence  across Europe, highlighting also cases involving police officers and soldiers. Following the arrest in Germany on 17 June of a far-right extremist in connection with the murder of Walter Lübcke , the Christian Democrat head of city administration in

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (5 – 18 June 2019)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP REFUGEES AND THE CONFLICT IN LIBYA 7 June: In the context of renewed clashes around Tripoli, the UN human rights office says that 22 people have died of tuberculosis since last September at the

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IRR News (22 May – 4 June 2019)

Dear IRR News subscriber, The state visit of the US president, with its army helicopters and security service convoys, promises of trade deals, privatised health and chlorinated chicken, brought out many thousands of protesters, amongst whom were many migrant solidarity activists angered by the proposed border wall,  horrified by children’s separation from parents at the

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Calendar of Racism and Resistance (22 May – 4 June)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe. ASYLUM, MIGRATION AND CITIZENSHIP ASYLUM AND MIGRANT RIGHTS 22 May: Six UN special rapporteurs and independent experts write to the Italian government demanding the withdrawal of the interior ministry directive that, in prioritising security over refugee rights, justifies

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The ‘rebel’ history of the Grove

A long-term resident of North Kensington recalls the area’s social history as representative of momentous Black British community struggles. Beyond memorialising the lynch-murder of Kelso Cochrane on 17 May 1959, we have to look at the history that surrounds it. New arrivants to fashionable twenty-first-century Notting Hill, along with new generations of long-standing residents, will

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Why we should we wary of the modern slavery agenda

A new book on forced labour, trafficking and other forms of extreme exploitation encourages reflection on the duplicities and contradictions in the current debate. What is ‘modern slavery’? What is being done to combat it, and with what results? As home secretary, Theresa May oversaw the passage of the Modern Slavery Act of 2015. Her

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