News Service


Justice for the outsourced Hotel Ibis chambermaids

An eyewitness account of the ongoing struggles of the Gilets Noirs in Paris On 19th January, dozens of undocumented migrants filled the lobby of Hotel Ibis Paris Bastille Opera, just outside the centre of Paris, and declared an occupation. They were members of the Gilets Noirs, a collective of sans-papiers (so called ‘undocumented’ migrants, or those without the

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Finding a voice: news from Europe’s frontline migrant struggles

Across Europe, humanitarian activists and undocumented people are organising collectively and speaking up for their rights, in the face of increased state repression. In Norway we see another example of this action being prosecuted even as the Government considers a one-off residence amnesty. For the last few years European citizens have been making headlines for

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Calendar of racism and resistance (29 January – 12 February 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migration rights 4 February: Academics warn that the government’s message that the UK is ‘open to global talent’ is being undermined by aggressive and harsh treatment of colleagues seeking visas and settlement. (Guardian, 4

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Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (15 – 29 January 2020)

Dear IRR News subscriber, Remembering the liberation of Auschwitz and the impact of the Holocaust reminds us of the breadth of fascism’s victims – Jews, Roma and Sinti, lesbian and gays, Communists, the physically and mentally disabled, political and religious opponents. It provides us with a real lesson in the meaning of a powerful slogan like ‘Never

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Calendar of racism and resistance (15-29 January 2020)

A fortnightly resource for anti-racist and social justice campaigns, highlighting key events in the UK and Europe ASYLUM AND MIGRATION Asylum and migration rights 14 January: Twenty-six sans-papiers (undocumented) workers from former French colonies, working for Chronopost, a subsidiary of the French postal service, claim victory as they are all given temporary work permits⁠—the result of

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Fault lines in the fight against racism and antisemitism

The government’s bifurcated approach to racial equality is deepening fissures in our movements with anti-racism emerging as a key site of struggle Those of us who have contributed to the anti-racist movement for decades have been left demoralised by the ‘debate’ about racism and antisemitism both prior to and during the general election. Academic, author

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Fortnightly Bulletin

IRR News (1 – 15 January 2020)

Dear IRR News subscriber, We start 2020 by publishing a path-breaking article in Race & Class, which asks how a genuinely anti-racist feminist approach can tackle serious sexual violence without demonising entire communities.  In  ‘Failing victims, fuelling hate’  (free to download) Ella Cockbain, a key researcher of child sexual abuse/exploitation, and criminologist Waqas Tufail, together

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