News Service


Teachers – we need your help!

Do you teach citizenship, history or PSHE at key stages 3 or 4? The Institute of Race Relations is developing a downloadable teaching resource for the citizenship, history and PSHE curricula. The resource will be centred on the life stories of five anti-racist campaigners in Britain from the last 50 years and will explore the

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London unions sever all links with Rise Festival

A number of London unions have severed all links with the London Mayor’s Rise Festival. The Rise Festival, established following the murder of Stephen Lawrence and organised by the TUC, was known as the Respect anti-racist festival. The idea was taken up by Ken Livingstone, who changed the name from Respect to Rise and held

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Living under a control order

Below, we reproduce the speech made by Cerie Bullivant* on living under control orders at the launch of ‘Captivated: Art of the Interned’. ‘When I was first asked to do this event, I thought it’s the least I can do to raise awareness of those untold stories of persecution in the name of the “War

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The beauty of the art of the interned

An astonishing exhibition was launched this week in central London of poetry, pottery, paintings, crafts, pictures, photographs, cartoons – all created by men detained under anti-terror laws in the UK. Appropriately held at Together, a national charity supporting people with mental health needs, this is an eclectic mixture of works, all created by men arrested,

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Hunger strike – ’till death or deportation’

The organisation Cageprisoners is calling for urgent action for a stateless Palestinian refugee, Mahmoud Abu Rideh, who is in a critical condition in a London hospital after being on hunger strike for over thirty days. Mahmoud, one of the fifteen or so terror suspects in the UK, subjected to virtual house arrest under a control

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Action on the EU Return Directive

Asylum campaigners are urging action as the European Parliament prepares to vote, on 18 June 2008, on the ‘Return Directive’. The ‘Return Directive’, if passed, will allow EU member states to: Detain non-EU migrants for up to 18 months; Detain and deport migrants including vulnerable people, unaccompanied minors (under 18 years of age) and pregnant

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Chinese Whispers: a call to arms

This book based on undercover journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai’s experiences among Chinese illegal labourers in this country is vital reading for all who campaign about workers’ rights, racial and sexual exploitation, globalisation, trafficking and forced migration. The tale (or tail, in this case) begins in globalisation and the massive impact of opening China to market capitalism

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Amdani Juma – deportation delayed

A Nottingham HIV/AIDS prevention worker whose anti-deportation campaign was featured in IRR News in November 2007 has had a last-minute reprieve. In a statement issued this week, Amdani Juma’s solicitor said that his removal had been postponed to give both sides time for further consideration. Hani Zebeidi said he hoped reason would prevail in the

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A tribute to Abdelhakim Ajimi

A death in police custody in south-east France is causing community concern. Behind a banner proclaiming ‘police blunder, assassins’, hundreds of people, a thousand perhaps (according to the organisers), took part in a largely silent demonstration (except when marching past the police station) on Sunday 11 May in the centre of the south-eastern city of

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Discrimination in the name of integration

The UK government should heed the lessons from a recent report criticising the Netherlands for discriminatory pre-immigration tests for migrants. Lessons from the Netherlands In the UK, ‘active citizenship’ is one of the shibboleths in the government’s green paper The Path to Citizenship: next steps in reforming the immigration system. According to a new report

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