‘Common Values’ campaign

‘Common Values’ campaign


Written by: Natasha Dhumma

Liberty, the human rights organisation, has launched a new campaign, ‘Common Values’ which aims to increase awareness and understanding of human rights issues.

Coinciding with the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, the campaign hopes to bring about a renewed appreciation of and respect for the need and function of the Human Rights Act. It highlights the importance of protecting each person’s rights in order to ensure universal freedom, justice and peace, whilst attempting to counter common myths surrounding the Act.

‘Common Values’ will inform people about the many ways in which human rights laws can affect and potentially shape all our lives – not just those of criminals, terrorists or even prisoners of war. The campaign emphasises our shared common values and our duty to protect and uphold these fundamental freedoms and liberties for all.

Related links

Download a pocket guide to human rights in plain English (pdf file, 216kb)

Liberty campaign: Common Values: the Human Rights Act

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